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10 Animals That We’re About To Lose Forever Unless We Make An Effort To Protect Them

Planet Earth, home to millions and millions of different plant and animal species, is losing those species at a very alarming rate.

10 Animals That We’re About To Lose Forever Unless We Make An Effort To Protect Them

Recently, we learned that the Earth is actually undergoing its 6th major mass extinction. While this is a completely natural cycle that the Earth goes through, it has been happening 114 times faster over the last century than what would be considered normal extinction rates, according to the journal Science Advances. This leads many people to believe that our actions are directly affecting this cycle. “Our activities are causing a massive loss of species that has no precedent in the history of humanity and few precedents in the history of life on Earth,” lead researcher Gerardo Ceballos told Live Science. An alarming statistic from National Geographic shows that almost 41% of all amphibians are facing the threat of extinction; this threat is also quite significant for mammals and birds. Of course this post is less helpful when we don’t have an action step, so here’s a place you can donate to who is working to help situations like these While this frog was only discovered in 2008, it had made the list of critically endangered species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature by 2009. A few years ago, Zoo Atlanta had to euthanize one of the two (that’s right, two) remaining frogs because of a huge decline in health.

They wished to not only cease the dying frog’s further suffering, but to preserve its genetic material for future study. In 2013, it was believed this species of fish was left with only 3 males, but luckily the Zoological Society of London was able to find 18 more.

They are now doing everything they can to protect this species. According to the Wildlife Conservation Society, there are only four Yangtze Giant Softshell Turtles left in the world.

There are a number of wildlife conservation groups currently working together to keep the world’s most threatened turtle species alive. According to the British Broadcasting Corporation, there are only 25 Madagascar Pochards left in the wild. A study done by Wildfowl and Wetlands found that 96% of all chicks that hatch are dying at just two to three weeks old.

They are dying because human activity has driven the birds to only one remaining wetland which has insufficient food for the chicks. Poachers, unfortunately, have hunted the Northern White Rhino to near extinction all over Africa. Many believe that the horn of the rhino is more lucrative than drugs.

The last of its species is now under constant surveillance. The Hainan Gibbon ape is a critically endangered species, the remaining 30 or so can be found in the rain forests of China’s Hainan Island.

The island used to inhabit around 2,000 of these apes, but again, thanks to poachers and loggers, this number has drastically declined in just 30 years. Only 57 Javan White Rhinos remain, all of them in Java, Indonesia.

These rhinos were poached excessively for their horn, which is used in traditional Indonesian medicine. As one of the most rare species of rhino on Earth, the World Wildlife Fund is doing everything they can to save them. 8. Vaquita Porpoise It is so sad to report that, according to National Geographic, there are only 97 of these beautiful whales left in the world. Porpoise whales are very closely related to dolphins and equally as cute! These precious whales have been getting caught in fishing nets in the Gulf of California for decades. Luckily, there is hope. Of the 97 whales left in the world, 25 are females of the reproductive age; there is a chance the species will be saved. 9. Amur Leopards Sadly, according to the World Wildlife Fund there are only 60 Amur Leopards left in the world. Again, poaching is the culprit.

These extremely rare leopards are prized in Russia for their beautiful spotted fur, which is usually sold for around $1,000 – hardly an exorbitant amount for something so rare and so precious. One would think the very fate of a species would be worth more to people. 10. Hula Painted Frog Interestingly, in 1996 the Hula Painted Frog was believed to be extinct, as it had not been seen by anyone for over 40 years. Scientific American actually reported that it was the first modern day amphibian to be declared extinct by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. But this spotted frog made a surprising comeback in 2011 when it was found by a park ranger in Israel. Since this discovery, 13 more have been found. Much Love All sources imbedded within this article. .

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