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10 Habits Of People Who Live Their Truth

To live in your truth is a truly beautiful thing.Living your life from an authentic place (what is authentic for you in this moment) means that you are actively creating a life that you desire.

10 Habits Of People Who Live Their Truth

. It means you are most likely feeling more joy than pain, and more expansion than contraction. Living authentically also means that you are living a life on purpose. Which is why I think living authentically is so important. You came here with a role to play, and the closer you are to living what is truest for you, the closer you will be to fulfilling that purpose. It is in this walking out of your purpose that you will feel the greatest sense of satisfaction within your life. Which is really the whole point! The more on purpose you are, the better you will feel. Here are ten habits of people who are living on purpose to help inspire you to step more into your truth and live a life closer to the one that you desire.

There will always be people who think what you are doing is wrong. We all have conditioned ideas about how we ‘should’ behave, what kinds of things we should and should not do, what kind of jobs we should have, and so on. Those who are living their truths will be able to listen to people around them without being thrown off course by criticism or questioning.

They are tuned into their own center and that is what leads and directs them. Those who are living in their truth can openly and honestly listen to others, and fully hear what they have to say.

They tend to be more interested in getting to know the person that they are speaking with as a unique individual, rather than needing to justify their own opinions and thoughts based on what the person they are speaking with is saying.

They are happy to agree to disagree. Again they are living their lives from their internal compass, which means not everyone who they talk to has too agree with what they are doing or what they feel is the truth.

They realize that truth can be very individual and subjective, and they are OK with that. Those who are living authentically will totally ask for help when needed, and will take the opinions of those they respect into consideration, but at the end of the day they make their own choices.

They take what they have heard, and then tune into themselves and choose from within. When you are living your most high truth, you are no longer sitting in the seat of blame. Those walking this walk will understand that they ALWAYS have a choice, and that anything that happens to them in their lives was based on the choices that they made.

They also understand that they have the choice of how they react to what others in their lives do.

They never play the victim card, because they understand that at the end of the day they are sovereign, and it is no one else’s job to do anything for them.

They steer their own ships and make no excuses for what happens. Authentic people understand that getting their needs met is not something to apologize for.

These people understand that when living in a world with others one needs to approach life with compassion and ease for all, and they understand how to create an environment around themselves where they can get their needs met in a way that is most harmonious for everyone.

There is always a way to get things done peacefully, and that is how an authentic person meets their needs.

They also do not play the martyr, sacrificing themselves for other people, because they understand that in the long run doing so doesn’t really help anyone. Those who are walking in their truth fully understand that one cannot give from an empty cup.

These people take time every day to get their cups filled by doing the things they know nurture and replenish them.

They never feel guilty for taking care of themselves, because they understand that they are as valuable and worthy of love and attention as anyone else, and that they are then more effective givers when they have what they need. This is one of the biggest things that sets those who are living in their truths apart from those who are not. When you are walking in your truth, you are taking time every single day to pause and check in with yourself. You can’t walk in your truth if you don’t know what your truth is! Spending time in quiet contemplation of some sort every day sets these people up for a truth based life.

They understand that their bodies are not only their vehicles here on earth, but are fine tuned machines that can help them to navigate pretty much all situations.

These people know that their bodies are a tool they can use in the quest to live their most authentic lives, and they are aware of how beneficial it is to truly take care of their bodies. Nourishing their physical selves is an act of self-love that pours over into the rest of their lives. Finally, Those who are living in their truths are gracious and compassionate towards everyone else – whether the person they are interacting with is also living their truth or not.

These people understand that everyone is on their unique journey, and that judgment and condemnation of others really doesn’t help anyone. Because authentic people are so secure in what they are doing, they tend to be naturally less judgmental of what others are doing. You will feel a sense of welcoming and acceptance when you are around an authentic person. What do you think? Do you identify with any of the items on this list? Do you know anyone who you feel is living their most authentic life? .

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