10 Modern Day Vegan Body Builders That Are Changing The Way People View Protein
I’m not vegan.I used to identify with this label, but now I just do my absolute best to focus on a primarily plant-based diet.

. I really don’t like the labels for myself, but have no problem with people who choose to use them. Despite of this, it still drives me absolutely bonkers to hear this phrase, directed at me, or any person who chooses to follow a vegan or plant-based diet, “Where do you get your protein?” It literally makes me cringe, and I will not rest until every person on this planet knows that almost all foods contain protein... and how come no one ever asks the gorilla or the ox where they get their protein?! Anyways... people often shy away from the idea of limiting their meat consumption or giving it up entirely because they believe that in order to be strong and lean they absolutely need protein from animal sources. Fortunately, for the sake of the animals and our health, this actually couldn’t be farther from the truth.
There are plenty of vegan bodybuilders and athletes, many of which have claimed that their performance actually enhanced after cutting out animals and animal products from their diets. Here are the top 10 vegan bodybuilders. Related CE Article: Plant Based Protein Vs. Protein From Meat: Which One Is Better For Your Body Jon is a popular vegan bodybuilder who shares his mission and message through his large online community via YouTube and Instagram. He has a ton of videos, workout plans, recipes and online guidance. One look at him will get you inspired to try out this lifestyle, and he proves that going vegan doesn’t mean sacrificing strength or muscles. You can follow Jon on his journey, here. Brian has a large following on YouTube, and he’s here to “relate, teach a bit and have fun with you guys” through his videos. He’s been bodybuilding for over 9 years, and has figured out a way to stay in shape while following a strict vegan diet. On his YouTube channel you can find anything from workout videos, recipe videos to acne videos! Derek Simnett is a personal friend of us here at CE. We have watched his journey unfold over the years and it has been incredible to see. TRULY authentic in his message and lifestyle, Derek is living proof that you can not only achieve big results on a plant-based diet, but you can do A LOT without lifting much weight. His primary mode of training is calisthenics. Check out his stuff here. He is also on YouTube. Once again, we have a very fit and healthy YouTube vegan bodybuilder, Nimai Delgado, an International Federation of BodyBuilding and Fitness (IFBB) Pro. He documents his journey with the IFBB on his YouTube channel and shares tips and tricks with his followers, including his workout routine. He beliefs in maintaining strength and flexibility, and not necessarily just gaining more muscle mass for aesthetic purposes. Definitely check out his YouTube channel to learn more about how this lifestyle could work for you as well! Torre has been Vegan since 1998! He is a bodybuilder that gets 100% of his vitamins, nutrients and PROTEIN from his diet, he doesn’t believe in supplements. Aside from his hugely successful YouTube channel, Torre also has an extremely resourceful website that can offer you much support on your path towards a fit, vegan lifestyle! Check it out here. Arvid is a Vegan bodybuilder from Germany. His decision to become vegan was based largely around his moral and ethical decisions. Nevertheless he is a bodybuilding champion, redefining what it means to be a gladiator! You can check out more of Arvid’s journey here. Samantha has a popular health and fitness blog called Jacked on the Beanstalk where she shares her secrets to success, including fitness, meal plans coaching and why she decided to adopt a vegan lifestyle and how it has helped her become so successful. Samantha was awarded her pro card in July 2014 after winning first place in the overall bikini title at the 2014 INBF South Western Natural Championships in Austin Texas. This put her on the map as the first-ever VEGAN WNBF bikini pro. Crissi is a vegan fitness model, online trainer and coach, director of the Vegan Fitness International group, designer at Vegan Fitness body, Chef at Vegan Fitness body, author of Vegan Fitness Food For A lean Healthy Body ebook, and so much more! Crissi became vegan at age 38 and now makes it a huge part of her message intertwining it with the knowledge she has gained about health and fitness throughout the years. Check out her website here. Ryan is an athlete, animal lover and vegan food fanatic! Ryan is also a sponsored Posha Green super-heavyweight bodybuilder. Ryan aims to inspire others to set and achieve their goals in the weight room the classroom, sports and in real life. Ryan stands as a testament to the health benefits of a healthy vegan diet! On his website he offers online coaching and nutrition programs. Check it out! Patrick smashes all types of stereo-types as an Iranian born, German and vegan strongman competitor. Patrick is known as a gentle giant as his concern for the well-being of animals has inspired him to become a vegan and promote this diet through his success. Now, I don’t want to hear it. I believe I’ve provided you with enough information that you will no longer be asking,“Where do you get your protein?” Much Love .
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- https://jonvenus.com/team-venus/
- https://www.youtube.com/user/HumerusFitness/featured)
- https://www.instagram.com/simnettnutrition/
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpyhJZhJQWKDdJCR07jPY-Q
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCw-JiCSn29MdBYX5rRxuacQ/videos
- https://www.torrewashington.com/
- https://www.facebook.com/arvidbeckbodybuilder/
- http://www.jackedonthebeanstalk.com/
- https://www.veganfitnessmodel.com/
- http://www.ryannelsonfitness.com/