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10 Simple Hacks To Make Your Smoothie Even More Nutritious

Smoothies are pretty fantastic..

10 Simple Hacks To Make Your Smoothie Even More Nutritious

They are these awesome, energizing drinks that we can concoct endless varieties of in a little lab called our kitchen. Many consist mostly of fruit, but you can throw in a vegetable here and there and it will be completely masked by the sweet goodness of our fruit friends. Most people are familiar with traditional smoothies that have either a water or a plant milk base and then are loaded up with fruits. A growing trend in recent years, however, has been the green smoothie, which has a good balance between fruit and leafy vegetables (often 60/40). Green smoothies are ideal because they make meeting your body’s daily vitamin and mineral requirements much easier. Smoothies in general give your body a well deserved break from the effort of digesting solid food; being liquid, they are much easier to digest and the nutrients can be extracted easier, too.

They make for a very light meal replacement but are also satisfyingly filling because of their high fibre content. If you are looking for a few green smoothie ideas, you can check out the ones below from our friends at VegKitchen: You might also want to consider including some of these awesome ingredients below. Check out this infographic from! .

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