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10 Things You Didn’t Know About Vaginas

It’s something every woman has, and likely what enticed people to read this article: a vagina.

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Vaginas

It’s a difficult subject to discuss, since our culture either laughs and giggles about private parts or treats them as shameful, but today we thought we’d share some cool facts about the vagina while raising awareness about cervical cancer, as knowing the early warning signs is crucial to staying healthy.

The infographic below was created by the people over at HB Health of Knightsbridge for your viewing and learning pleasure. To learn more about cervical cancer you can read below or click here. But for now, it’s time to find out the 10 things you didn’t know about vaginas! 1. Abnormal Vaginal Bleeding Abnormal vaginal bleeding between periods, after intercourse, or after menopause should be monitored. Although it could be caused by other medical conditions, it is a telltale sign of cervical cancer. If you are experiencing abnormal bleeding between periods or after sexual intercourse then you definitely want to contact your doctor. 2. Unusual Vaginal Discharge If you are experiencing abnormal vaginal discharge, it could be a result of bacterial vaginosis, menopause symptoms, or yeast infection. It could also be harmless, but significant changes in discharge are still worth getting checked out. If the discharge smells foul, happens more often than usual, or is brownish, heavy, pale, or blood-tinged, it could be a sign of cervical cancer. It could also be a sign of various other conditions. Again, if this is happening, contact your doctor right away. 3. Discomfort While Urinating Pain during urination can be a sign of cervical cancer. This is a symptom that usually occurs when the cancer has already spread to the bladder. In most cases, however, this type of pain is a sign of something far less serious, like a urinary tract infection. 4. Pain During Sex Discomfort during sexual intercourse could also be another sign. This is another symptom that could signify a far less worrisome issue, but you never know, especially if you are experiencing multiple symptoms at once. Pain during sex can be a late onset symptom of cervical cancer, and could indicate that the cancer has spread throughout the reproductive organs and tissues. 5. Heavier and Longer Menstrual Periods Abnormal and heavier menstrual periods are another sign of cervical cancer. Irritation of the cervix, possibly due to cervical cancer, can also occur. 6. Loss of Bladder Control Bladder control is a big issue when it comes to cervical cancer, and it’s one area of the body where cervical cancer commonly spreads. People with cervical cancer often experience loss of bladder control as well as a hint of blood discharge during urination. 7. Body Pain A common symptom of cervical cancer is body pains — more specifically, pain in the leg, back, and/or pelvis. Women with cervical cancer often experience swelling of the legs, because the cancer spreads and obstructs blood flow. It can get to the point where basic simple movements are difficult to do. It’s common for women who are experiencing these symptoms as a result of cervical cancer to have prolonged pain that increases as time goes on. 8. Constant Fatigue Constant fatigue could be also be a sign, especially if it happens in conjunction with some of the other symptoms mentioned in this article. When there is disease in your body, it will work hard to do its best to fight it off. Your body then becomes tired as a result of these various biological processes. 9. Unexplained Weight Loss The body produces small proteins called cytokines, which break down fat at a much higher rate than normal. This leads to weight loss, irrespective of your diet, when you are fighting disease. As with many other cancers, the same applies here. .

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