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10 Ways Education Improves The World

We often forget the advantages that we’ve gained from the education our society enabled us to receive.

10 Ways Education Improves The World

From a young age, we learned basic and essential skills like reading and writing, arithmetic, and computer use, among other things — tools that have allowed us to develop our lives and the world around us for the better. We often take this education for granted and forget that in certain regions of the world, education is scarce or non-existent. “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” – Nelson Mandela This is what Puneet Sachdev, founder of Creative Philanthropy, realized when he chose to help kids from remote regions of the world get an education. He started an organization with the aim to rally support from those who want to make a change and bring education to those who need it most. (You can find out more about Creative Philanthropy on their website or Facebook page.) Creative Philanthropy is running a crowdfunding campaign and needs your support. Here’s why you should help! 1. Education makes the world a safer place for all It has been shown that educated people are less likely to be violent, and this holds true for all regions of the world, whether developed or developing. Uneducated people, on the other hand, are more likely to be persuaded by hate speech and be violent towards others. Many atrocities and even genocides have happened in the past due to blind belief in manipulators. Education would lower the odds of this happening. In more developed countries, educated people are more likely to find a job and thus not need to resort to crime to make ends meet. 2. Taking care of the environment Education brings up many environmental topics to students and encourages them to think about the ecosystems around us. Today this is becoming the most important issue to be aware of and education allows us to consume more responsibly and take action for the care of our planet. Creative Philanthropy will introduce tools that cover environmental issues and what a student can do to improve their environmental impact at their schools and in their lives. 3. Find your passion Schools cover many topics, and as we continue through our programs, more and more subjects open up to us. This effect is exponential and is even bigger when you think about the education the internet offers. With all the possible topics available for us to learn, anyone can find their passion and do what they truly love! 4. Healthier Life Being more educated also means becoming more aware of the different things we can do to be healthier, whether it’s exercising, eating nutritiously, meditating, or even knowing how to treat wounds and illnesses properly. 5. Closing the inequality gap As we continue to develop good education around the world, the inequality gap will close. Those of us who didn’t have the opportunity to learn often have lower incomes and are less likely to make a good living! 6. Makes people more confident Getting educated doesn’t just provide knowledge to the person; it also gives them confidence to argue their point, speak up about their beliefs, and explain why they think that way. It gives them confidence to go learn more and find the tools they need to resolve the conflicts that they face. 7. Create more leaders To add to the previous point, knowledge creates leaders. People form opinions and beliefs and gain the confidence to think of new ideas and lead groups to bring those ideas life. Think of all the different projects, technologies, and organizations that were created thanks to education. One of the goals of Creative Philanthropy is to find children who show leadership and support them so they can positively impact their community. 8. Learn to socialize Especially at a young age, schools provide a safe environment for kids to talk, play, and learn important social skills.

They learn that people are different and have different interests. A school is a place to find people with whom we feel we belong and enjoy spending time, and school prepares us for adulthood at our workplace and communities. 9. Connect with the rest of the world One of the advantages of education is that it brings people with similar interests together. Today, people who are in the same field continuously exchange their findings with others from all around the world. Educated people travel everywhere to share ideas and participate in different projects and organizations. Education opens up the world. 10. Be aware of our rights Many people find themselves taken advantage of constantly because they do not know their rights, or understand why things work the way they do. Education gives them the tools to recognize when they are being mistreated and stand up for themselves. Helping someone become educated is helping them protect themselves and their friends from harm.

There are many more reasons for education to spread around the world and that’s why Creative Philanthropy needs your support. Please take the time to spread the campaign on your networks and donate to the project. Any amount helps! .

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