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1001 Life Hack Tips To Change The World – It Starts With Changing Yourself

The latest report by Gerardo Ceballos from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México and Paul R.

1001 Life Hack Tips To Change The World – It Starts With Changing Yourself

Ehrlich from Stanford University et al, which came out late last week, outlines how modern humans are now responsible for accelerated species loss. This heralds the era of the “sixth mass extinction.” The report details the rate of extinction for species in the 20th century is up to 100 times higher than it would have been without man’s impact.

The scientists who conducted the research have been careful to be conservative.

The real rate may be many times higher.

The Guardian was one of the few mainstream media outlets to cover the story, stating that the scientists have been deliberately conservative – they’re well aware of the dangers of crying wolf on a topic of such importance, and where passions run so high. For a start, they limit themselves to the best-studied group of organisms, the vertebrates.

Then, they take a high estimate of background extinctions to compare with, to make the modern figures as undramatic as possible. And then, they either consider only those animals known to be extinct (the “highly conservative” scenario), or they add in those extinctions in the wild that are likely to have happened, but are not yet verified.(1) The study mentions that humans will most probably be one of the first cabs off the rank in this extinction process, as we depend completely on the natural systems for our survival. When there is so much bad stuff going on around the planet (which humanity is primarily responsible for), it can become daunting to even consider coming up with solutions, leaving one feeling helpless and impotent. You have to stop and think for a moment, what am I doing to help save the planet and myself? Does this cause a bit of uncomfortable paralysis? Does the thought, “Well I am just one person on a planet of 7 billion people and I don’t think I can make an impact,” cross your mind? I recently came across a brilliant little guide book for helping you to remember what you can do to make a difference. So I contacted the author, Judy Wong Dopperpuhl, who wrote “Save Yourself Save The Planet – 1001 Green Fun Life Hack Tips.” The reason this little book is so important is because as humans, we all get trapped and caught up in our own lives and can easily forget that certain things, when done collectively, can add up to real change. In my previous life I was heavily involved in performance coaching and getting the best out of teams. One thing I learnt from early on in my career was that you have to “Walk the Talk”... that is, you have to “practice what you preach.” A great way of doing this is by embedding the small things first. Judy believes we can make a huge difference by doing lots of small things. It is kind of like the “Pay it Forward” movement philosophy. If we all start doing lots of little things, then momentum builds and shifts the overall consciousness and changes behaviours. Before you know it, everyone else is doing lots of really great things too, and then big change starts to happen. Judy believes we are living in a magical time of immense opportunities and a breathtaking consciousness shift in humanity. Yes, right now. People all over this beautiful planet are waking up to taking their power back and reconnecting more than ever by hacking technology. Judy has racked her brain and numerous other resources to put together 1001 things you can do to get started to make change... these are just a few ideas she offers. Judy Wong Dobberpuhl is the author of “Save Yourself Save The Planet – 1001 Green Fun Life Hack Tips”. Article compiled by Andrew Martin, editor of onenesspublishing and author of One ~ A Survival Guide for the Future... and Rethink...Your world, Your future. Sources: Save Yourself Save The Planet: 1001 Green Fun Life Hack Tips Rethink Your world, Your future... .

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