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11 Pictures That Compare Life Today With How It Used To Be

I came across these photos at and thought they would be worthwhile to share.

11 Pictures That Compare Life Today With How It Used To Be

It’s always great to look at pictures that give us some food for thought, and over the past couple of months we’ve published a few articles with these types of conscious images: The pictures below speak for themselves, and I believe anything that encourages us to question our world, what we do, and why we do it, is worthwhile. We’ve become so caught up in our daily routines that we’ve forgotten about our planet, and what’s really happening to the home of the human race. We are definitely living in a very special time, as more and more people are starting to look at the human race from an observer perspective. Many are questioning the human experience, and identifying multiple aspects of it that do not resonate with them. What exactly are we doing here? Why are we doing it? This is happening on several different levels, with one great example being Genetically Modified Foods. With all of the research that’s surfaced, multiple countries have now completely banned or severely restricted their growth and importation, and that includes the pesticides that go with them. It just goes to show how much we can accomplish when we all come together, raise our voices, and demand change — peacefully. If we all work together as one, we will continue to push our world toward a path that resonates with all of us.

There is much to change, and we still have a lot of work to do.

There are better ways to do things here, from the way we generate our energy to how we feed ourselves. Our potential is limitless, and we can create a world where everybody can thrive. .

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