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12 Great Vegan Makeup Products Under $12

Billions of animals are killed (many of them tortured) all over the planet, every day, for multiple reasons.One of those reasons is cosmetics.

12 Great Vegan Makeup Products Under $12

. Animals are tortured and subjected to so much pain just so we can make ourselves look like the programmed idea of beauty. It’s really heartbreaking, and not necessary at all.

The tests that are performed include: forced chemical exposure, oral force feeding, skin and muscle injections, physical restraint, food and water deprivation, surgical procedures, infliction of wounds and burns.

They also include manipulations to create animal models of human diseases ranging from cancer to strokes and depression, amongst many others. Like many other things, ranging from GMOs, pesticides, fluoride and much more, the collective voice of the world protesting animal testing has increased dramatically over the past few years. In March of 2013, the European Union (EU) banned the sale of any cosmetics or cosmetic ingredients that have been tested on animals. This was huge, it meant that all companies around the world had to let go of animal testing for cosmetics that they wanted to sell in Europe.

The United States, however, is a different story. Companies still participate in animal testing for cosmetics despite the fact that non-animal tests are widely available. Can you believe that? “Instead of measuring how long it takes a chemical to burn away the cornea of a rabbit’s eye, manufacturers can now drop that chemical onto cornea-like 3-D tissue structures produced from human cells. Likewise, human skin cultures can be grown and purchased for skin irritation testing.

These and dozens more tests now in use today are faster and more accurate at predicting human reactions to a product than the old animal tests ever were. However, huge multiproduct manufacturers, such as Johnson Johnson—driven by a fear of lawsuits (although animal tests have not proved effective in a company’s defense when a consumer sues) and, inexplicably, frozen by inertia—continue to poison, burn, and blind animals in tests.”(source) It’s not just these companies doing the testing, many “environmental” and “conservationist” organisations use animal testing for numerous reasons. One example is the testing of chemicals and other harmful chemicals that are already known to be toxic. “Several well-known environmental groups are directly responsible for the creation of what have become the most massive animal testing programs in history.” (source) Things are changing, although there are still organizations and scientists that participate in animal testing, the number that refuse to do so continues to increase. Other options are widely available, and at this point, given the fact that those options can be utilized, it’s ridiculous that animal testing has not been banned all over the world. HERE is a giant database of cruelty free companies for you to check out. Related CE Article: It’s Time To Put An End To Animal Testing And Here’s How You Can Do It 1. Use a NYX Concealer Wand for under-eye circles, blemishes, or uneven skin complexions. 2. Physicians Formula Brightening Compact Foundation powder is great for all-over facial applications. 3. Bring out those eyes with a fun Runway Eyes palette, by Milani. 4. But don’t use it without applying some eye primer from Jordana first. 5. NYX has 27 beautiful shimmery shades of powder blush to choose from. 6. For application, try Eco Tools—the company’s products are vegan and sustainable and can be found at your local grocery store. 7. NYX Auto Eyebrow Pencils include two brushes and will save those uneven brows. 8. Who can forget about the classic $2 bottle of Wet N Wild nail polish? 9.

There are so many shades to choose from with Valana Minerals’ Sparkie Lips Color Sticks. 10. We love Wet N Wild for its affordability.

Their Mega Glo Illuminating Powder is only $3.99! Note: numbers 345 and 347 are not vegan! 11. And of course, mascara pulls every look together, so try NYX’s Fly With Me formula: 12.

The best liquid liner EVER (from NYX): Sources: .

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