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12 Year Old Completes Cancer Treatment – That’s When The Hospital Staff Took It One Step Further

To see anyone have to go through the trials and tribulations of battling a serious disease such as cancer is incredibly difficult.

12 Year Old Completes Cancer Treatment – That’s When The Hospital Staff Took It One Step Further

It becomes even more heartbreaking when that person is a child, like Sophia Petikas, who was diagnosed with scoliosis several years ago and has been battling a variety of conditions ever since. Sophia recently completed her treatment at the Willis-Knighton Proton Therapy Center in Louisiana and was sent off by the doctors and nurses at the hospital in style. One member of the radiation team, Daniel, had promised Sophia that he would learn the dance moves to one of her favourite songs, Watch Me (Whip/Nae Nae) by Silento. What Sophia didn’t know is that Daniel got the entire staff together to learn the dance moves and create the ultimate surprise for Sophia.

The staff even took it one step further by all wearing Sophia’s favourite shoes for the choreographed routine. Check it out: While some may argue for both sides on the best approach and treatment for cancer, I’d like this article to instead focus on the gesture this team of doctors and nurses made for one of their patients. It is a living example of how full this world is of loving people who truly want the best for each other and are willing to go beyond the call of duty to help achieve it. I truly admire the gesture organized by Daniel and the rest of the WKPTC team, and hope that it inspires us all to give love and help to others whenever possible, even if it involves learning a dance routine. —————————- For another heartwarming story, I encourage you all to check out the video, picture, and written coverage of when Johnny Depp dressed up as Captain Jack Sparrow to visit a children’s hospital. Source: .

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