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15 Perfect Responses From Female Scientists To Nobel Winner’s Sexist Comments

It’s no secret that women continue to feel like their very existence works against their freedom, success, and dignity.

15 Perfect Responses From Female Scientists To Nobel Winner’s Sexist Comments

While female oppression remains a grim reality in various parts of the world, it has become largely taboo in first-world countries who have the resources to be advanced in a multitude of aspects. Nonetheless, sexism still exists in less obvious ways here. Women are constantly used and abused to promote a reputation that sex sells.

They’re still fighting the good fight against body image issues, and there is, of course, the pay gap. Did you know that, currently, there is not one country in the entire world where there is equal pay between men and women? Sexism is a very real thing, and it takes place in different forms all over the world. Women remain at the core of it, and continue to fight back for their right to equality. As a woman what would you do if you were, say, a female scientist who had been told that you should be in a single-sex lab because the male scientists might fall in love with you? Stick it to them, of course! In a conference held this past Tuesday in South Korea, British biochemist Sir Tim Hunt claimed that the “trouble with girls” is that they fall in love with you, you fall in love with them, and that then when they’re criticized, they get upset and cry. His comments initiated a hasty response from the science community in Britain and beyond. Female scientists responded to the antiquated and outlandish comments by tweeting photos of themselves, and some historical figures, using the hashtag #distractinglysexy. Hunt, who was awarded a Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2001, has since resigned from his role at University College London as a result of the controversy. Here are 15 of the best #distractinglysexy tweets: .

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