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15 Powerful Quotes From Eckhart Tolle

I come from a small town in Maine.I have had anxiety my entire life, but it wasn’t until a series of panic attacks when I was 19 that I finally went to my doctor to discuss a solution.

15 Powerful Quotes From Eckhart Tolle

. I remember feeling so comforted and supported by my doctor. He didn’t try to push pills on me. Everything was a suggestion, and he spoke with me like a friend. Fast forward three years. I had moved to California and was utterly disheartened by the lack of time my doctor had for me. I felt alone and confused. Five years later (to present day), anxiety concerns arose for me once again. I was skeptical about going to a doctor because of my experience with utter disconnect between patient and medical professional. But I’ve found in my life that when you manifest what you want and need, somehow things simply fall into place. I walked into my new doctor’s office, told him about my issues, and his first question was not what medications I have tried. He asked me in a calm voice, “Have you read Eckhardt Tolle’s The Power of Now?” Years ago, such a recommendation wouldn’t seem strange. But in a day and world where Big Pharma seems to have such a firm grasp on our lives, it felt more comforting than I had ever imagined. To think someone, seeing me shake and cry in confusion and worry in his office believed words could be a powerful medicine was inspiring and comforting.

There is a reason mantras are medicine. In the yogic tradition, they are thought to transform mind, body, and spirit. During anxious times, I have used mantras incessantly. “Breathe in peace, exhale all worries.” In this doctor’s office, being suggested to use words to transform my mental state felt so close to home. Whether it be quotes, mantras, passages, or more, there is something undeniably powerful about words that works like medicine. Here are 15 quotes from Eckhart Tolle to heal: .

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