19 One-Sentence Reminders To Help You With Your Depression
9 of these statements apply to each and every one of us.

The older you get, the less likely you are to get caught up in a lot of the things that previously pulled you away from being yourself. If you’re looking to understand yourself even better and expedite your journey to this point, I highly recommend Get a PhD in YOU: A Course in Miraculous Self-Discovery.
They may have sucked to go through, but I can guarantee you’ve learned a hell of a lot from every experience that you perceived as a failure in life. To be beyond that experience and to have that understanding under your belt is a wonderful thing. Whether it be the birth of a child, a fun trip with your partner, graduating from school, or anything else of that nature, we all have wonderful memories in life. Take some time regularly to reflect on how wonderful those moments are and let them inspire you to fall in love with the reality that you are bound to create more of them moving forward.
The exact same experience could happen to three separate individuals, all with identical repercussions, yet affect each one differently. While one may find themselves enraged and another annoyed, the third might have no reaction at all. You are always in control of your reaction to every circumstance, so you choose how long to be upset or down about things. To further explore this theory, I suggest listening to the audio from Tony Robbins on The Power to Shape Your Destiny: Seven Strategies for Massive Results. Along the same lines of number 11, you can persist through tough times by keeping in mind that great things often result from these experiences. Remembering this can be integral to loving all aspects of life once again. It may seem like your commitments and obligations are your biggest hurdles to pursuing your dreams, but it’s actually your mindset that rises above them all. If we want to go after a goal, we all have optional things we can take time from to make that possible. Believe it or not, the countless hours you spend watching Game of Thrones and The Walking Dead can actually be put to better use. Looking for some motivation and clarity to go after your dreams? I highly recommend Awaken the Giant Within : How to Take Immediate Control of Your Mental, Emotional, Physical and Financial Destiny! This article undoubtedly falls under the category of personal development, so the fact that you found it interesting enough to not only click but also read this far shows some definite signs of commitment to improving yourself. Thanks in large part to the wonderful world of social media, we can all connect to hundreds, if not thousands, of people pretty well effortlessly. This is a truly special time to be alive, and the connectivity we have access to is an element to our daily life that is always available for us to love and appreciate. Doing pretty well everything in life requires a level of courage that many others shy away from. Whether your comfort zone is narrow or broad, it’s certainly bigger than it was when you were born, and every time that it got bigger was a clear sign of courage. You made it to the bottom of this list! That clearly suggests that you not only know deep down that life is beautiful, but you are actively looking to remind yourself of this fact. For more positive reminders and a take on personal development that strives to make it both more brutally honest and interesting for all of us, I encourage you to check out my YouTube Channel. Ready to change your life today? Get my FREE eBook on 5 Quick Daily Hacks for a GENUINELY Happier Life sent straight to your inbox by signing up here. An art piece and lunar calendar all in one. This calendar features moon phases for every day of the month for the entirety of 2020. Hologrpahic foil set on a dark 11" x 11" poster makes the moon's phases shimmer as light strikes them in this unique .
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