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3 Steps To Help You Overcome Fear When Going Through Changes

In this time of global energetic change, many people are transitioning to higher expanded paradigms.

3 Steps To Help You Overcome Fear When Going Through Changes

While this is a good thing, the collapsing of an old paradigm, which includes habitual ways of knowing and experiencing the world, may give rise to fear. But fear is not a big bad enemy. It’s simply a low frequency energy that you can recognize and overcome.

There are some things you can do to move beyond any fear or resistance you may have while making this transition.

They include practicing being centred, reducing reactivity, being in a state of love, and observing fear. This may seem obvious, but with change it is easy to get caught up in current events and daily to-dos. To centre yourself, commit to and set aside a specific time every day to sit in stillness and simply be present. Stare at a candle, focus on a fixed point, or do breath meditation. Even at lunch time if you have 10 extra minutes you can sit and enjoy nature while being present, not worrying about what went wrong a few minutes before, or what you have to do when you get back to work. Simply feel your body against whatever you are sitting on, feel the wind brush against your skin, and listen to the sounds around you. Allow your thoughts to come and go, attributing no meaning to them. Hear them like the sounds of a radio playing very softly in the background, making noise, but with your attention focused on the present, and on your body. A second thing you can do to overcome fear while transitioning to a higher expanded paradigm is to reduce reactivity and practice conscious control. If something upsetting happens, do you centre yourself and think, or do you get caught up in the emotion of anger, fear, or frustration, and respond automatically? If you find you are reacting to things instinctually rather than consciously then this is a good indicator that you need to slow down.

There are many ways to do this. Practicing becoming centred, as discussed above, will certainly help. If you find you are reacting in a way you do not want to, stop yourself and ask, “Is this the most powerful way I can be responding to this?” If you find that your reaction is not at all empowering, take the time to reexamine your thoughts and actions in this situation. Centre yourself, take in a few deep breaths, and guide yourself to be present, not judging anything at all. From this state of presence a new answer may arise, which should result in a new conscious action. You may let go of anger, and after centring, replace it with calm and turn frustration into focused, passionate action. It takes practice, so be patient. Being love elevates your energetic frequency.

The very emotion of love is a high frequency energy linked to emotional and physical well-being. You can practice being in a state of love in many ways. A very effective way to do this is to think of the most loving memory (or memories) you ever experienced. If you cannot think of something, imagine it.

Then allow the feeling of love to fill you up until you sense it in every cell of your being. Sense this feeling of love expand outside of your physical body and radiate out of you like the light of a star reaching distant galaxies. Fully experience this state of love, allowing it, but not forcing it. See if you can bring this state of love to your days, every day, and extend the love to others in your everyday thoughts and actions. Practicing these three steps can help you to develop your inner spiritual resources, so that when there is fear, you are able to be centred, less reactive, and in a state of accepting love. In part two of this two-part series, the last step to overcoming fear while transitioning to a higher expanded paradigm will be discussed, that is observing fear. .

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