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3 Things We Can Learn From The Laughing Woman In The Chewbacca Mask

We’ve all seen it by now: the viral internet video featuring a woman excited to show the world the newest toy she picked up from her local Kohl’s store in Dallas, Texas.

3 Things We Can Learn From The Laughing Woman In The Chewbacca Mask

Not only have we seen it, we’ve viewed over 50 million times in 24 hours—a new record for Facebook Live videos.

The toy is a mask of Star Wars character Chewbacca, which responds to you opening your mouth by also opening its mouth and playing an infamous soundbite from the lovable character. It doesn’t sound like anything revolutionary, certainly not to the point that over 50 million people would watch it, but within a few seconds you can quickly understand what led us all to tune in and share it with our networks. For those of you that have been living under a rock, here is the clip I am referring to: Enjoying the video myself, I loved seeing just how many people in my network were impacted by it. Even individuals that barely publicly engage on social media took the time to like, comment, or even share this video, demonstrating just how well it managed to find its way into our collective heart. Here are 3 things I took away from the video and our response to it that I think can serve as valuable lessons for us all to consider. So much of what we are regularly exposed to on both television and the internet is rooted in negativity. Whether it be a harmless accident that is causing traffic delays on our commute, or something as serious as a shooting in a small community, it’s hard to navigate through current events feeling good about ourselves and the world. What I feel made this video truly stand out was that it featured something that absolutely no one could take negatively.

The woman in the video, Candace Payne, was simply having an unexpected great time with this child’s toy and sharing that experience with the world. Our reaction shows that we do love seeing things that make us laugh and uplift us, so let’s continue to do more of that to help combat the influx of negativity consistently being thrust our way. Laughing is not only incredibly uplifting, but also quite healthy for us. In fact, here are 6 Good Reasons To Laugh Everyday. No matter how your day was going before first watching this video, I guarantee it took a turn for the better after laughing along with Candace. While a deep and hearty laugh can be hard to come by at times, finding the little things to laugh at and brighten our mood is actually quite simple. Whenever you find yourself down, take the time to find something that can put a smile on your face and prevent you from basking in unnecessary negativity. Candace provided the content, but we as a collective got this simple video viewed by millions of people almost instantaneously. We may feel like an insignificant fish in a massive ocean of over 7 billion, but the truth is we have more of an impact than we think. Let the virality of this video inspire you to be a living example of the world you would like to see. You never know when your positive action will catch on and take the entire world by storm. .

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