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30 New Brutally Honest Drawings That Expose What’s ‘Wrong’ With Our World

30 illustrations from Polish artist Pawel Kuczynski give us the opportunity for deep reflection about our society and how we live within it.

30 New Brutally Honest Drawings That Expose What’s ‘Wrong’ With Our World

Do you see yourself in any of these images? How can you shift aspects of yourself based on the reflections in these images? Sometimes we may feel like it's only others these drawings apply to, but what about us personally? Change starts within. As we progress through these prominent times of movements and rallies, truth seekers and speakers, it is no surprise more more artists are sharing their views of the current state of humanity and our world. Renowned illustrator, Pawel Kuczynski, is a veteran in the realm of exposing the ‘flaws’ of modern society, and so when he publishes new work, we can’t help but share. This Polish artist highlights a number of powerful points of reflection for us all. By utilizing his incredible illustration skills, he combines the satire aspect of our society with the inevitable social commentary weaved throughout most of his works. Whether it’s focused on habits or obsessions we hold as humans, his work paints a very clear picture that is up to the viewer to interpret. Said Kuczynski: “From the beginning I found that illustration was the best way to express my observations. I always say, that I’m an illustrator of a surrealistic time, so that is reflected in my work.” The artist spoke with Bored Panda and reported he was inspired to focus on more global issues while in his native land, as he could no longer ignore what he saw. “I wanted to be understandable for all peoples,” said Kuczynski. “I try not to speak directly about current problems. I try to find a wider view. Some times it’s too wide! I receive many different kinds of opinion from people, that I’m old communist, liberal, fascist, conservative, anti-technological man, etc.” Below are 20+ new illustrations by Kuczynski. Warning: they may make you feel uncomfortable, but please remember to have an open mind and reflect.

These illustrations are great representations of what we as a collective may be going through, creating or mirroring. Use the following depictions as a reflection point to which we can grow learn from, from a neutral place within our hearts free of judgement. Credit: Pawel Kuczynski Credit: Pawel Kuczynski Credit: Pawel Kuczynski Credit: Pawel Kuczynski Credit: Pawel Kuczynski Credit: Pawel Kuczynski Credit: Pawel Kuczynski Credit: Pawel Kuczynski Credit: Pawel Kuczynski Credit: Pawel Kuczynski Credit: Pawel Kuczynski Credit: Pawel Kuczynski Credit: Pawel Kuczynski Credit: Pawel Kuczynski Credit: Pawel Kuczynski Credit: Pawel Kuczynski Credit: Pawel Kuczynski Credit: Pawel Kuczynski Credit: Pawel Kuczynski Credit: Pawel Kuczynski Credit: Pawel Kuczynski Credit: Pawel Kuczynski Credit: Pawel Kuczynski Credit: Pawel Kuczynski Credit: Pawel Kuczynski Credit: Pawel Kuczynski Credit: Pawel Kuczynski Credit: Pawel Kuczynski Credit: Pawel Kuczynski Credit: Pawel Kuczynski .

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