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5 Amazing Beauty Travel Tips

July brings with it the burning desire to travel near and far.After the tumultuous 2020, summertime now excites and frightens those who are finished being cooped up at home.

5 Amazing Beauty Travel Tips

. Now that there are safe ways to indulge in our desire for a journey, we have to keep an eye out for ways to upkeep our skin’s health and beauty! Here are five beauty tips to use while traveling in a recovering world. Though we are lucky enough to have a vaccine for the CoronaVirus, many places, especially outside of America, still require the use of masks. Under the heat of summer, we tend to sweat, and sweat mixed with cloth or medical masks can spell disaster to those with sensitive skin! Maskne, or mask acne, is far from something you want to deal with while laying out on some nice sunny beach or hiking through the mountains. The best way to fight Maskne is to wash your cloth masks after every use. If you are using medical masks, be sure to safely dispose of them and use another after a day of wearing them. Washing masks while traveling can be tricky, but even just cleaning them in the sink using an antibacterial soap will do wonders for your face. Along with that, try and keep up with your face-washing routine. Invest in Bergamot Oil to keep down redness and inflammation. If you are traveling by plane, keep an eye out for travel-sized face washes for all of your skincare! Traveling can be stressful for everyone. Be it you’re alone and worried about what may be ahead of you, or you are with friends and family that just can’t seem to stop grating your nerves. Stress can weigh on you, causing skin irritation and stomach aches, among other symptoms. Try to find ways to destress while traveling. A good book will always do the trick if you’re a reader or finding a quiet place to settle yourself before continuing on. Music, breathing exercises, and various other activities can all help you calm down. Natural remedies, like the Travel Easy Natural Inhaler, can also help soothe any spikes in tension you gain while on your journey. Those who love to wear foundation should consider pulling back a tad while traveling. It’s expensive to keep your foundation stocked and hard to travel with certain brands as the bottles are too large for plane travel. Opt-out on the foundation and turn to tinted moisturizers and sunscreens. Even facial toners, like the Rose Bud Toner, will be much better for your skin and still give you that beautiful glow that everyone wants to show off! Stay connected on special events, classes, and savings. 15% OFF YOUR FIRST PURCHASE No one likes chapped lips, especially in the summer. Packing a lip balm into every bag may seem like overkill, but believe me, you’ll need them when you’re out soaking in the sun. SPF lip balms are ideal for warmer climates but can also do good even when you’re on a shaded hike through the woods! Try the Solar Eclipse Zinc Sun Shield for an excellent, protective, and nourishing effect! If you’re more of a fan of tubed lip balm, though, try the Organic Nourishing Lip Balm from Henné Organics. And remember, staying hydrated will also help keep your lips from drying out! All the beauty products in the world can’t beat the simple act of relaxing away from the stressors of your everyday life. Travel with the desire in mind to get to a place both mentally and physically where you can fully allow yourself to be in the moment. Lie out with your sunscreen and your calming music and reconnect with the world around you. Rest your tired bones and allow your body to heal from all the time it’s spent keeping you afloat.

The second you have a chance to relax, you will find that your body will begin to heal and you will be able to experience this journey of yours to the fullest. Frankie Kavakich is a published prose and poetry writer and a practicing witch whose love for the occult and horror permeates their everyday life. For eight years, they have studied a variety of practices including kitchen witchery, chaos magick, divination, manifestation, and brujería. Within their writing, Frankie features numerous topics ranging from ghosts and spirits to the importance of community and reliance on nature's bounty.

Their great grandmother Nilda was a healer from the rain forests of Puerto Rico, and Frankie is endlessly inspired by the gentle hands and kind hearts of their ancestors.

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