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5 Chilling Prophecies That Predict The Beginning Of World War III

Worrying things are happening all around the globe.

5 Chilling Prophecies That Predict The Beginning Of World War III

In the light of the latest developments in Syria, a country in which multiple global interests are being disputed, numerous recent, and more ancient prophecies have predicted the outbreak of World War III, and if you take a look what is currently happening all around the world, it seems that we are closer to a global conflict than ever. In this article, we bring five chilling prophecies that predict the outbreak of World War III. But before we jump into the subject, I’d like you to read the following quote: “I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.”― Albert Einstein. Scary, isn’t it? Donald Trump and the beginning of the Third World War: according to the predictions of the self-proclaimed messenger of God, Horacio Villegas, the conflictive situations generated by the US president will start a third war, and it’s only a matter of time. Villegas said that this will happen on the hundredth anniversary of the appearance of the Virgin of Fatima, that is, on May 13, and will end on October 13 of this year.

The clock’s ticking, hopefully, Villegas, as many others before him is wrong.

The Worrying Prophecy of Mother Shipton: more than 450 years ago, this famous English occultist predicted the beginning of the Third World War in the Middle East and pointed to the United States as the main power of destruction. “Oh, alas, the war will come from where the Turkish and the heathen live, who in fierce quarrel will bury themselves seeking to annihilate their lives. When the north divides to the south and in the lion’s jaws the eagle anid, then the tax, the blood, and the war will come to every humble home. Yellow men will gain the great power of the mighty bear, whom they will help.

These tyrants will not succeed in dividing the world into two, more of these acts will be a great danger. And an intermittent fever will leave many dead.” Nostradamus and World War III. Those who study the work of Nostradamus claim that the French astrologer predicted the coming of the Islamic State and pointed it out as the threat that would give rise to the Third World War. In addition, he predicted that several cities would be razed and everything would be accompanied by severe natural catastrophes. Let’s hope he was wrong. Baba Vanga and the war of the three centuries: also known as the “Nostradamus of the Balkans”, Baba Vanga is considered one of the greatest seers of the twentieth century and predicted, among many other things, the rise of Donald Trump to power. She predicted that the 45th American president would make the country fall and that the Third War finds its true origins in Arab lands. Likewise, she warned that the conflict will not cease until the year 2341. Pope Francis: The Supreme Pontiff of the Catholic Church warned that we are already going through the Third World War, although in small pieces, according to him.

The sum of all war conflicts currently in force, including terrorist attacks, would be the scene of a great contest on a global scale. In addition, he hinted that the real reasons for war are in fact water shortages. Featured image credit: Shuttersto.

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