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5 Reasons Why We Are Getting Sicker & How To Reverse It

In its natural state, the body is perfectly capable of maintaining itself.

5 Reasons Why We Are Getting Sicker & How To Reverse It

When healthy and unaltered by any detrimental chemicals, foreign hormones, heavy metals and poisons, our immune system is designed to provide us sufficient protection and healing power to prevent and overcome any diseases. But how come are we getting sicker? Why do nearly half of Americans suffer from at least one chronic disease? Why are illnesess such as cancer, bone diseases, heart diseases, neurological damage, asthma and diabetes affecting us more than ever before? These are good questions! But an even better question will lead you to the simplest, most obvious answer: What are our bodies mostly exposed to in our everyday lives? Bingo! It only makes sense that what we allow into our bodies will define whether or not it will operate at its peak capacity. So what is it about what we eat, drink, breathe, apply on our skin and take as medicine that has damaged our health? The most commonly known forms of pollution are the air we breathe, water and soil pollution, all of which greatly affect human health and the eco-system. Pollution could be eliminated and the destruction of our planet could be reversed by committing to changing our ways and implementing free/clean energy technologies that are already available but have been suppressed for the threat they represent to the 200 trillion dollar oil industry. Environmental pollution, however, is only a small part of the toxicity story. Did you know that harmful chemicals are deliberately added to water supplies, popular foods, personal care products, pharmaceutical drugs and even vaccines? And guess what: Studies show that everyday chemical exposure is among the leading causes of the rapidly increasing cases of chronic disease in America. Many commonly used chemicals have been linked to cancer, gastrointestinal illnesses, neurological damage, heart diseases, hormonal imbalances, enzyme dysfunction, altered metabolism, reproductive impairment, diabetes, obesity, immune system deficiency, allergies/asthma, arthritis, endocrine disorders... Just as our society could readily implement clean energy technologies, many harmless ingredients could easily replace the most popular chemicals that are used today. But why do most companies keep using them? Well... not only are some of these chemicals cheap enough maximizes profit, they are also very good friends to the health care system. But why would health damaging chemicals benefit the “Health Care” system? Here’s a hint: We judge our success in healthcare according to the number of diseased people we treat, not by how many people are healthy. To put it simply, the health care industry would be better described as a sickness industry. It benefits from illness rather than health. After all, maintaining symptoms and diseases are what generates a steady cash flow. We are being sold on the belief that pharmaceutical drugs and surgery are the key solution to all of our health problems. However, making conscious choices such as the ingredients we allow into our bodies are of no emphasis in health care. Not to mention that the chemical industry and certain government agencies have fought back, labeling activists and health organizations as “chemophobic alarmists”. But what about all the doctors and research scientists now expressing their concerns? You can see it on TV; chemical-filled products and fast-foods are glamorized, and when it comes to health, all we hear about is which drug can fix one symptom—only to put us at risk of having 30 new symptoms (side-effects). But instead of changing our toxic system and educating the masses about disease prevention, healthy nutrition and the toxicity of certain ingredients, authority has more interest in censoring truthful information, persecuting herb and natural supplement companies, and keeping us both unhealthy and unaware. TO PUT IT SIMPLY: The people in charge of the system do not care about our Health because it thrives on the profit generated by illness. That is why it is of no concern to most companies and corporations to promote misleading information and add cheap and detrimental ingredients to everything we consume. To them, it is a 3 in 1 benefit: chemicals are inexpensive, keeping us unaware minimizes the chances of us seeing the bigger picture, and there is nothing more profitable to the pharmaceutical and health care system than those who are sick. Bill said it very well in the video below. Here are links designed to help you become aware of what’s in your food, water, and personal care products, and adjust your day-to-day choices accordingly. WHAT’S IN YOUR FOOD & “FOOD MATTERS” DOCUMENTARY WHAT’S IN YOUR WATER & FLUORIDE DOCUMENTARY WHAT’S IN YOUR PERSONAL CARE PRODUCTS & “THE STORY OF COSMETICS” FILM THE TRUTH ABOUT VACCINES & “VACCINE NATION” DOCUMENTARY Now that we know how food, water, air, personal care products and drugs have depleted human health, what can we individually and collectively do to reverse the process? SOURCES .

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