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5 Simple Breakfast Smoothie Recipes

There is no question about it, breakfast is the most important meal of the day, when you wake up chances are that you have not eaten for at least 8 hours if not way longer.

5 Simple Breakfast Smoothie Recipes

Breakfast literally means, to break fast. You want to make sure you are getting a kick of nutrition and something that will provide you with the energy that you’ll need to get your day started.

The sad reality is that many people skip breakfast altogether because they don’t give themselves enough time in the morning to prepare something. Because of this, research shows that if you skip breakfast, then you’re more likely to reach for something bad around 10am. I say, let’s avoid that altogether. Doing that will be that much easier now that you have these 5 simple breakfast smoothie recipes to jump start your day! Ingredients: 2 Frozen Bananas, sliced4 Small Dates or 2 Large Medjool Dates, pitted1 HEAPING Tbsp. Smooth Peanut Butter1 Tbsp. Chia Seeds1/2 Cup Hemp Milk, or Other Non-Dairy Milk1/4 Cup Water, to thin down the mixture Blend all ingredients together until smooth. Ingredients 1/2 frozen banana2 cups fresh strawberries, halved3 tbsp fresh spearmint + extra for garnish1 1/2 cups coconut water1/2 Haas avocado1 pitted date (optional)A few ice cubes Blend together and serve. Ingredients 2 Bananas 1 cup frozen mixed berries 1 large handful baby spinach 1 cup filtered water Blend together and serve. Ingredients 1 Banana 1 cup frozen pineapple chunks 1 cup frozen mango chunks 1 cup coconut water 1-2 tbsp. hemp seeds Blend together until smooth and serve. Ingredients 1 cup frozen peaches 2 tsp. maple syrup 1 handful of baby spinach 1 tbsp. hemp seeds 1 or 2 bananas You got it, blend together and serve! You may have noticed that none of these smoothies contain dairy of any kind, in fact they are entirely Vegan. This is purely optional, but I have found over the years that bananas, medjool dates, coconut and other non-dairy milks all do an excellent job at creating that creamy delicious texture that you might expect from yogurt alone. At least you know that the option is available to skip out on dairy altogether, which can do wonders for your health! There has been an ever increasing amount of information being released lately to show that dairy can actually be very harmful to your health. Check out this link for more information on the subject. Much Love! .

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