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50 Million In Cocaine Found Inside A Coca Cola Factory Sheds Light On The Company’s Past

Recently, 370kg of cocaine found inside of a Coca-Cola plant in France made it the largest seizure of cocaine, in history, on French soil..

50 Million In Cocaine Found Inside A Coca Cola Factory Sheds Light On The Company’s Past

The drugs were discovered hidden in packages among a delivery of orange juice concentrate, arriving in a container from South America.

There is currently an investigation under way, The cocaine has a street value of up to 50 million euros. Are they still putting it in their drinks? Given all of the nasty revelations that’ve been exposed concerning the food industry, it wouldn’t really be that surprising, to me anyway. Speculation is definitely in order given the track record of most of these big food and drink companies. For example, at one point, Dominoes, Wendy’s and McDonald’s were all feeding us a chemical that’s commonly used in Silly Putty (you can read more about that here.). Don’t forget all of the additives, chemicals and artificial ingredients that these products contain as well.

These food corporations, who have close ties to medical corporations, thrive off of making the general population food addicts. For example, if we look at sugar, several studies have shown how addicting it is, some have even suggested that it’s just as or even more addicting than heroin and cocaine. You can find some of those studies linked within a previous article we wrote that goes more into depth. One thing is for certain, it’s a catalyst for multiple diseases and extremely unhealthy, a literal killer. Here is a video of BBC Journalist showing a Coca-Cola president just how much sugar is in their drink, it’s quite ridiculous. Not only do they strive off of making us addicted to their products, for example, according to newly uncovered documents, they trick us. In the 1960s, for example, the sugar industry began funding research to cast doubt on sugar’s role in heart disease, mainly by pointing the finger at fat instead. This is exactly why, it’s safe question to ask. A recently published analysis based on correspondence between a sugar trade group and researchers from Harvard University clearly demonstrates how food and beverage makers actively shape the public’s understanding of nutrition for their own financial gain. You can read more about that and access that information in an article we published (HERE) on the subject no long ago. Again, another example of extreme unethical behaviour, we are by no means accusing Coke of putting Cocaine in their drinks, but I wouldn’t be surprised if traces of it were found. Obviously, if Coca-Cola was still putting cocaine inside of their drinks, it would probably be detectable with a simple lab test. This would probably be well known, but who knows, maybe not? Not many people know that Coke used to contain high level doses of cocaine. Despite this fact, the company still continues to deny its use of cocaine in any of its products. Coca-Cola was originally named after its two main ingredients, coca leaves (cocaine). Frederick Allen describes the public attitude towards cocaine that existed as Coca Cola’s developers worked on perfecting their formula in 1891.

The first stirrings of a national debate had begun over the negative aspects of cocaine, and manufacturers were growing defensive over charges that use of their products might lead to “cocainism” or the “cocaine habit”.

The full-throated fury against cocaine was still a few years off, and Candler and Robinson were anxious to continue promoting the supposed benefits of the coca leaf, but there was no reason to risk putting more than a tiny bit of coca extract in their syrup.

They cut the amount to a mere trace. (source) Allen also explained that cocaine continued to be an ingredient in the syrup in order to protect the trade name”Coca-Cola”: Sure, at the end of the day it’s the human being picking up the drink and consuming it. Again, it’s literally a deadly drink, and that’s only because of the amount of sugar it contains alone. It’s not feasible to simply say, “just stop drinking it.” I say this because, as mentioned earlier, modern day processed sugar is extremely addicting, would you tell a heroin addict to simply stop using? No, it’s not that simple, and similar interventions and treatments should be put in place to ween people off of sugar. For example Paul van der Velpen, head of Amsterdam’s health department warns that sugar is a dangerous, addictive drug and sugary foods and soft drinks should be labeled with warning labels similar to those on cigarette packages, except these would be warnings for obesity, diabetes and other health concerns. (source) Our world is full of harmful substances that we regularly consume each day. It’s hard to believe that these substances (like Coke), made to be highly addictive, are marketed to the masses without consequence.

The Coca-Cola corporation is promoting sickness, obesity, and lowered cognitive function.

They are dumbing down society. How any human being can promote something that kills us is beyond my ability to understand.

They even continue to put artificial sweeteners like aspartame inside of their drinks, despite the numerous concerns that’ve been raised about that. .

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