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6 Signs You’re Unhealthy That You Probably Shouldn’t Ignore

Our lives are more hectic than ever before, and as a result, many of us take our health for granted, however unintentionally.

6 Signs You’re Unhealthy That You Probably Shouldn’t Ignore

It isn’t until we get hit hard with an illness or serious disease and see our productivity come to a crashing halt that we bring our health into the forefront, doing everything we can to once again function normally. Much like a car has certain indicator lights, such as Check Engine, our bodies are equally capable of indicating to us when something isn’t functioning optimally.

The key difference, however, is that unlike an unavoidable bright light on our dashboard, these bodily signs can often be overlooked, especially if we do not know what we are looking for or aren’t paying attention to begin with. Here are six common, telltale signs your body uses to indicate poor health: Your pee is a powerful indicator.

The colour of your urine alone can give you a clear reading on how hydrated you are and whether or not some of your vital organs are experiencing any form of dysfunction. In 2013, the Cleveland Clinic released an infographic that clearly outlined what the colour of your pee is telling you about the state of your body. Pale or transparent yellow urine indicate good health, for instance, while amber coloured urine indicates dehydration. Try to make it a habit to quickly take note of the colour you produce before hitting the flush lever, and act accordingly. In a perfectly healthy state, your bowels should be releasing after every meal, removing unwanted toxins and making room for new dietary nutrition. While not everyone’s bowels work so rapidly, general research on the subject seems to agree that we should all be pooping at least once daily. When we don’t poop regularly, toxins from stagnant waste seep through the lining of the bowel, causing it to enter the bloodstream, where it does not belong and can wreak (no pun intended) a lot of havoc. In addition to taking note of how often you go to the bathroom each day, consider the foods you’ve eaten that have contributed to that output. Identify if there are certain foods your body seems to have a more difficult time releasing and try cutting them out. While chapped lips are most often caused by external factors, such as sun or wind exposure, frigid temperatures, or dry air conditions, regularly chapped lips can also indicate dehydration. If you find yourself chronically experiencing chapped lips, look to monitor your daily water intake rather than masking the issue with lip balms.

The hustle and bustle of life can certainly be exhausting, and fatigue can often be caused by simply not getting enough sleep, but if you regularly find yourself tired, even after getting an adequate night’s rest, there could be a number of health factors at play. If you’re consistently tired, once again consider looking into your diet. Regularly asking your body to digest alcohol or processed foods can be a lot more taxing on your system than you think. Chronic fatigue can also be a sign that your thyroid isn’t functioning properly. More than 70% of adults between the ages of 20 and 50 experience outbreaks of adult acne. Despite this regularity, skin breakouts can also be an indicator of a struggling immune system, which can be further aggravated by chronic stress. If you regularly suffer from skin breakouts, consider looking into what your body’s largest organ is trying to tell you. Although most seasonal illnesses such as the cough, cold, or flu are caught annually by many, there is something to be said about your immune system if you tend to find yourself susceptible to all of them. Rather than simply addressing each ailment as it arises, look to build your defences against them before they strike. Vitamin C is the most commonly recognized line of defence when it comes to combating illness, but it merely scratches the surface of how much we can do to help keep ourselves healthy. Vitamin D, zinc, honey, and chlorella are just some of the many natural products to keep in your immune-boosting arsenal. .

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