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6 Year Old Girl Stops 300 Seizures A Week Using Cannabis

What was once heavily portrayed as an unhealthy, dangerous and destructive drug is now considered a miracle medicinal gift from nature.

6 Year Old Girl Stops 300 Seizures A Week Using Cannabis

Hundreds of studies have surfaced proving the medical efficacy of cannabis, and more stories are surfacing everyday of people who have used this plant for healing. Below is the story of a 6 year old girl, Charlotte Figi who stopped her some 300 seizures a week by using cannabis. When pharmaceutical drugs failed, her mom turned to cannabis oil in desperation. Charlotte was unable to walk, talk or eat, but after her treatment she was able to do all of those things. Cannabis reduced her seizures to two to three per week, and she is now completely off all of her pharmaceuticals.

There are a number of reported cases where cannabis has been effective in reducing and stopping seizure activity. A member of the CE team, Shelley M. White wrote about her experience with using cannabis to stop her seizures. You can read more about that here. Related Stories: Cannabis has the potential to replace a plethora of medications, and pretty much deems many of them useless. In fact, statistics show that prescription drugs kill over 100,000 people every year. You can read more about that here. Last year we posted an article of a woman who achieved incredible results after replacing 40 medications with raw cannabis juice. You can read about that here. Cannabinoids have been proven to reduce cancer cells as they have a great impact on the rebuilding of the immune system. To read more about that, click here. If anybody is interested in using cannabis as a cancer treatment method, please contact us. We can put you in contact with doctors here in Toronto that will be able to provide the right information with regards to method of ingestion, amount and where to find more information. For more studies and information regarding the medical applications of cannabis, feel free to use our search bar or browse through the site! I’ve provided a few from our site to get your started if you’re interested. Sources: – See more at: is not the only thing Cannabis helps with, as you can see in the video below. .

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