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7 Ways To Use Social Media For Good Intentions

A few weeks ago an Instagram model named Essena O’Neill decided to quit Instagram after revealing the “life” she was living on social media was a lie (see video below).

7 Ways To Use Social Media For Good Intentions

Opinions of her decision were polarizing... ranging from some calling O’Neill “brave” and “inspiring” –while others questioned her true intentions. Wherever you fall on the spectrum in relation to her choice, O’Neill’s change of heart serves as an invaluable lesson. If you’re managing an online brand, social media can become an addiction, as bad as any other drug. It’s intoxicating, hypnotic, habit-forming, and at times completely detrimental. While it has the power to influence, inspire, change lives, and connect you to new friends — finding balance between the good and the bad — the virtual reality and this reality — can be a challenge. It’s so easy to get lost in the illusion of numbers, likes, and comments. When you begin to see your reach get to viral proportions, it can be incredibly exciting, yet simultaneously overwhelming. However, it’s important to find the solution to the illusion(s), to breathe and know that “with great power, comes great responsibility.” Every day is a chance to learn something new about yourself and to discover where there is room to stretch, grow, and expand — the contrasting experiences are what allow you to become a powerful teacher, so you can share your lessons with the world. If you’re a blogger, social media is an essential tool that provides access to millions, and if the millions we influence continue to influence millions, we each can claim our power to create something beautiful, to be agents of change... and that’s where the illusion dissolves, and the solution comes forward.

The list below contains 7 solutions for social media, to help you elevate and expand, while staying grounded with good intentions. Social media solutions for bloggers, and brands: .

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