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A 3 Minute Video That Describes Who We Truly Are

A 3 Minute Video That Describes Who We Truly Are

What is the self? It’s a question that by its nature sounds like it would be quite simple to answer, but given the varying degree of perspectives throughout the world, it can also be seen as one of the most profound questions to ever be posed. It is that exact question that the amazing duo of Zaya and Maurizio Benazzo have set out to answer in their 3 minute video entitled ‘What is the Self?’ Video Description (Written By: Zaya Maurizio Benazzo) Mystics in all ages and cultures describe the self as infinite, stable and ever-present phenomena. Modern physics describe the world as a self-moving, self-designing pattern, an undivided wholeness, a dance. We, as a society, relate to the self mostly as an individual, unique, time bound form. Our common sense, as individuals and society, hasn’t caught up with this picture and it still based on long-held biases and stories.

The Earth is clearly round but we still act as if it was flat... We live at the dawn of a scientific revolution, every day brings new findings from a wide range of scientific disciplines about what it means to be human. Modern science now gives us the detailed descriptions of the mechanisms our brain needs to construct what we call the self. Could it be this illusionary image of ourselves as separate beings that is keeping us in this perpetual state of anxiety, scarcity, fear, dissatisfaction and leading us, as a society, at this very delicate point in evolution? About Zaya Maurizio Benazzo Zaya and Maurizio are the founders and organizers of the SAND (Science and Non-Duality) Conference held each year in both the United States and Europe.

Their conferences have featured numerous esteemed guests, including but not limited to: Deepak Chopra, Peter Russell and John Hagelin. In addition to their annual conferences the duo is also at the core of Neti Neti Media, a film production company that has put together and released several inspirational documentaries and films, including the short video that this article is based upon. For more information on the SAND Conference I invite you all to visit it’s official website via the following link: SAND For more information on Neti Neti Media I invite you all to visit the company’s official website via the following link: Neti Neti Media We at Collective Evolution are very happy to have established a friendship with both Zaya and Maurizio and look forward to connecting with them on several projects moving forward. I also invite you all to check out the November issue of CE Magazine via this link. Starting on Page 32, Science Tech writer Tom Bunzel gives an in-depth and insightful review of the 2013 SAND Conference USA which he had the opportunity to attend. It’s free to read, just like all issues of CE Magazine. .

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