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A Black Man & A White Woman Speak For Each Other In A Powerful Spoken Word Poem

I had heard of spoken word for several years now, but it wasn’t until a couple of weeks ago that I was exposed to it in person for the very first time.

A Black Man & A White Woman Speak For Each Other In A Powerful Spoken Word Poem

As part of our Collective Evolution 6 Year Anniversary Party, we had the incredibly talented Patrick De Belen perform a couple of spoken word pieces that stunned the audience into pure amazement. Not only is Patrick incredibly talented at what he does, but he also delivers it with such a high level of passion that you cannot help but be inspired. Now, being more than interested in the art of spoken word, I was happy to stumble across a very powerful piece featuring two performers. Darius Simpson and Scout Bostley teamed up to perform “Lost Voices” at the 2015 College Unions Poetry Slam Invitational.

The video has been posted online by the wonderful group at Button Poetry which, as their mission states, is committed to developing a coherent and effective system of production, distribution, promotion, and fundraising for spoken word and performance poetry. Check out this incredible piece: We live in a world that features far too much judgement, opinion, and unjust assessment. What I particularly loved about this piece is that it reminds us how far these judgements can take us. What may seem like freedom of thought and speech can often instead lead to a universal silencing. We find ourselves classified before we even truly express who we are. In effect, everyone is left without a voice. Even though casting an opinion may seem second nature to most of us, let this video serve as a reminder to observe any unjust judgement that you find yourself thinking or saying. We may not initially have the power to control it from happening, but we all certainly have the power to observe and learn from it. Think of how many people you have connected with in your life. I’m sure that at least some of them fall outside of these imaginary “acceptable” brackets we seem to create. We are all interconnected, and the less we cast judgement upon others before truly getting to know them, the closer we come to a world where we properly get to experience that connection. —————————————— What are your thoughts on the spoken word piece? What parts in particular stood out to you? Let us know via the comment section below. .

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