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A Disturbing & Uncomfortable Truth Told Through These Powerful Street Art Pieces

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A Disturbing & Uncomfortable Truth Told Through These Powerful Street Art Pieces

The fact that everywhere we look these days people are saying something -and that something is often eye opening. It’s truly becoming the culture of our times to feel comfortable in expressing something important for the world.

The key here is it’s not just for our individual self, but for the world. People are telling their neighbours, their friends, their family and even strangers. Something is up and you need to know about it.

The sharing of alternate perceptions and the love that is at the core of it all is inspiring a collective change in consciousness and culture that is leading the way for a world we all dream of but aren’t sure if it’s possible. One can look at these guerrilla-like stunts and say “So what? They are saying something but where are the solutions?” There is a point to be made there for sure, but think of it this way, as these memes and ideas reach the masses and get into the minds of the creators and innovators of this world, new ideas based around an understanding and a new consciousness can emerge. Everyone plays a role! If some of us are to make art that touches people and gets them thinking differently, great. If some of us are in the streets demonstrating, great.

There will always be those become infected with the consciousness and love required to forge new ideas, solutions and action to make things happen in our physical world. This is why I believe we must look at each other with love and understanding versus simply wanting to point out what’s not being done the best or who’s not coming up with solutions and so forth. Somewhere along the lines people are inspired, by that person who is in the street with a sign or by a book they read that was well researched. Regardless it’s all action that can spark change and the solutions our world needs. So here’s to those who do what they love. Who care about what they have to say and say it regardless of what people tell them. To those who are dialed into their heart and soul and express it for the world to see. To those who are taking action regardless of knowing the end goal but who realize something needs to be said NOW! We are all part of a collective and all affect each other in one way or another. Dream big... it’s happening everyday. .

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