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A (Free) Guided Mini Meditation For Kids

Meditation is a wonderful way for kids to learn to quiet their minds and listen to their feelings.It can also help them learn how to release those feelings and improve their focus.

A (Free) Guided Mini Meditation For Kids

. In recent years, there have been unusually high numbers of kids and pre-teen experiencing anxiety or depression. Today, more than 25% of teens aged 13-18 suffer from anxiety. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, 2.6 million adolescents aged 13-17 have had at least one major depressive episode in the previous year.

The statistics are alarming. We have to help kids by providing them with resources they can use to understand and cope with their anxiety and depression. I was one of those kids. I had my first anxiety attack at age 9. I didn’t know what I was experiencing at the time, so I didn’t tell anyone about it.

The panic attacks continued until I was about 15, when I shared my experiences with a family member. I thought they were normal. She told my parents about my story, and with their help and the assistance of a guidance counsellor, I learned about what I was experiencing and different methods for coping with it. I still experience anxiety before making big changes or speaking up when I have a problem, but I use meditation as my primary method of relaxing my mind and body. It’s a tool that I wish I had growing up. I really sympathize with children who suffer from anxiety, and with their parents, who are often unsure of how to help their kids. In the spiritual community, there is a term called the “Indigo Child,” which refers to an individual who is highly self aware, creative, and empathic.

They are often intuitive as well, and can unknowingly tune into the energies of those around them. This can be an overwhelming experience for someone who is extra sensitive to energies (especially if they don’t realize they’re picking up on the emotions of others, which most children don’t). Meditation is a great tool to help individuals learn to clear unwanted energies, ground themselves, and relax (three very important things for people who are extra sensitive to the energies of others). Collective Evolution and I recently released a Free Guided Mini Meditation for Kids specifically aimed at helping children relax and focus on the task at hand. It can be a great resource for both children and adults as it is very easy to follow and only a few minutes in length. I hope you enjoy it. Post your thoughts in the comments below. .

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