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A Good First Step To Awakening

A good first step to awakening is to realize that you haven’t a clue what this moment actually IS.No story, no concept, ever touches the actuality of THIS moment.

A Good First Step To Awakening

. THIS moment doesn’t need my or your interpretation (no matter how well intentioned) in order to be what it already is. Indeed, EVERY interpretation is yet another magical, unknowable appearance amongst a sea of truly unknowable and magical appearances. How to see this? It’s simple, but not easy. It’s simple because it’s already here, right now in front of you... in fact you are smack-dab in it so it’s impossible to miss! Yes, right now as you read these words you are not separate from this present moment happening. (Take a moment to let this in, to feel (not think) the direct experience of THIS moment... sights, sounds, smells, sensations, etc.) No one knows what even a single thing is, or why it is, or where it is, or when it is, or how it came to be. Everyone is confronted by an irreducible Mystery, and that Mystery is profound. – Adi Da Why is it not easy to see this? Because the mind, married to its labels and concepts, insists that it does know what THIS present appearance is! And its “proof” is built on the fact that it can come up with endless stories, theories and beliefs about THIS moment. But NONE of these stories, theories and beliefs actually tell as about the moment itself, since they are not separate from the moment in which they are appearing! We don’t know where anything is coming from and so to even talk about anything is simply adding more not knowing to what is already not known. Do you see the conundrum!? For example, we can talk endlessly about LIGHT, yet nobody really knows exactly what light is. Likewise, we can talk endlessly about THIS presently arising moment, but nobody truly knows what this moment is. No story can contain all that is. Until it is realized that nothing is fundamentally knowable, we will continue to be deluded into believing we actually know what anything is. In fact, there is only what IS, and what IS can never truly be known. This can be the end of the search, the end of seeking when the futility of looking for an explanation for THIS drops away. And in it’s place is simply THIS, as it is. .

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