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A Great Diaper Changing Technique To Reduce Colic In Newborns

As a healthy adult, you’ll probably find it funny to try and wrap your head around the fact that once, you were incapable of going to the bathroom on your own.

A Great Diaper Changing Technique To Reduce Colic In Newborns

You wholeheartedly depended on your parents, siblings, relatives, family friends, and babysitters to get the job done for you. But what was going through their minds? Changing diapers seems like an easy concept: Establish the front and back of the diaper and then slap it on; flailing baby or docile one. It must be done. But with all of the “hacks” that continue to circulate the web, one must wonder if we are really doing this whole diaper changing thing correctly? There’s the sniff check first and foremost.

Then we undo the diaper, lift up the baby by both legs, and get the dirtiness out. We wipe the creases and then quickly put on a clean diaper. Movies, television shows, books, and our mothers taught us well, but, as we continue to understand the human body and how things work for our ultimate wellbeing, there comes a new hiccup in this diaper changing system. It’s not the best option in terms of spinal biomechanics to do the double leg lift method, and might even be the reason for your baby’s colic. According to Dr. John Edwards, DC, who serves babies, children, and expecting mothers at Mama’s Chiropractic Clinic in Cape Coral, Florida, when you lift the baby up by both legs, you’re actually putting the nerve root that goes into the intestines out of place. “By bringing those hips forward, you take the vertebrae and shove it backwards, out of position, and cause nerve interference that ends up stopping the flow of information from the brain into the intestines,” Edwards explains in the video below on how to reduce colicky babies through correct diaper changing. This method ends up causing a lot of gas simply because the intestines aren’t able to process information. So what’s this new technique? As opposed to the leg lift method, the roll technique for diaper changing babies who haven’t begun crawling yet is ,according to Edwards, optimum. During this process, you simply roll the baby off to one side, lift the top leg, clean the dirty area, roll onto the other side and clean as well. After that you sneak the fresh diaper back through the legs while the baby is still on its side. You then put the baby on its back, and finally fasten the diaper up. While babies are most definitely squirmy, which makes the double leg lift technique more pleasant, the colicky symptoms are much more intense than a simple squirm. Getting used to the prep work and difference of the rolling method will be your hardest challenge, but then you’ll be all set. “That one change stops you from taking that primary curve and putting that vertebrae out of place,” Edwards says.

The rolling technique has been found by one study to be more effective than medication for colic, while another showed a 94 percent success rate in helping alleviate symptoms of gas, bloating, and pain in babies (1,2). View the rolling technique in action by watching the full video below: Sources Used: .

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