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A Great Match: Brazilian Kids Learn English By Video Chatting With Elderly Americans

Across the world, the English language is a highly sought after social skill, one that most of us who grow up in a country where it is our native language take it for granted.

A Great Match: Brazilian Kids Learn English By Video Chatting With Elderly Americans

It’s the most commonly studied second language in non-English speaking nations. It’s also a wonderful tool for understanding much of the global media, and for enabling yourself to find someone else that speaks your language in various part of the world. Like most skills, the best way to fully develop it is to tangibly practice it as much as possible. Thanks to the incredible connection made by FCB Brasil and the CNA language school network, the opportunity to practice the English language regularly is becoming more widely available to Brazilian kids and teens. Through the Speaking Exchange project, Brazilian students are connected via internet video chat with English speaking Americans living in retirement homes -individuals that for the most part really value the opportunity to connect at this stage in their life. FCB Brasil has put together this heartwarming video to show how incredible the connection has already been thus far: The connection between students and the elderly truly seems like a match made in heaven. For the students it gives them the opportunity to practice a language they are studying through actual interaction with an individual that has been speaking it their entire life. For the retired Americans it gives them a new face to talk to, to get to know and in some cases grow to love. It leads me to wonder what other possible mergers could be fused that might serve a great purpose for all involved. If you have any ideas be sure to share them via the comment section below! Let this video also serve as a reminder to you about the value of communication in general. We live in a world where most of us have become more and more disconnected from one another as a byproduct of becoming more connected technologically. Actual interaction can be a wonderful experience, that in my opinion should never outweigh non-verbal communication, let alone be fully replaced by it. .

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