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A School District Decided To Get Troubled Kids Meditating Everyday – The Results Were Amazing.

Many of you have probably experienced the amazing practice of meditation.

A School District Decided To Get Troubled Kids Meditating Everyday – The Results Were Amazing.

Meditation boasts a wide variety of benefits, and is known to have a profoundly positive impact on your emotional and mental well-being. If you are having a stressful day or are having trouble with something that has been challenging you, meditation is a great way to gain clarity and insight in your daily life. Imagine if the special gift of this practice had been taught to you as a child or a teenager – how would that have impacted your life? There are so many wonderful benefits to teaching children how to meditate. Some time ago, the San Francisco school district was looking for a way to help some of the troubled teens in their schools. After much deliberation, they decided to implement a pioneering program simply called “quiet time,” where students had the opportunity to practice transcendental meditation twice daily for 15 minutes.

The school board hoped that this practice would help students let go of the stresses and confusion in their lives. Four years after “Quiet Time” was introduced, the school saw a 79% decrease in suspensions, a 98.3% increase in attendance, and an increase to students’ GPAs by 4. Wow! Those are some amazing results! If we could teach meditation to children even younger, would it prevent drop-outs, fighting, and bullying all together? And would it give them a head-start to maturity, providing them with the tools necessary for a more peaceful, successful life? A fantastic organization called Tonic For The Soul has started a campaign to raise money in support of the implementation of meditation time for kids and teenagers in school.

Their goal is “to empower the youth with the tools that bring calm, focus and happiness” to give them the best start to life.

The money raised will assist with the production of a guided meditation series, a website, and a booth at a major Health and Wellbeing Expo.

The children of today will be the leaders of tomorrow. Just imagine how this very simple act could help shape our future for the better! If you would like to support this campaign, please visit this link below! Much Love .

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