A Video of People Being Asked About Aliens In 1962
Below is a video from 1962 where people share their beliefs about life on other planets..

There are mixed answers, but it's easy to see how the topic was still taboo at the time, and not really contemplated.
The search for extraterrestrial life and the topic of UFOs have become one of the most popular topics today. Why do you think this is so? With so much information and evidence disclosed, why do we not hear much about what's going on? Below is an interesting video from 1962 of a reporter going around in public asking people about life on other planets. I thought it would be interesting to share, since it made me think about the evolution of thought on our planet with regards to extraterrestrial life and visitation.
The 1960s came shortly after a massive rise in UFO sightings, which some say increased after we dropped the Atomic bomb. If we fast forward to today, we see that there are thousands of declassified documents showing radar trackings and witness testimony of UFOs that date back to this time. One of the men in the video described a sighting he had of a very colorful sphere hovering in the sky, and said that he saw it with several other people. Others in the video clearly do not even want to touch or think about the subject. This is common when we are presented with a topic that goes against ingrained belief systems.
These belief systems are being broken as time goes on.
The UFO topic has come a long way since the 60s. We know know that there have been efforts to keep this completely secret, and on top of that to ridicule the subject. We know this from the very first director of the CIA, Roscoe Hiellenkoetter, who admitted to an “official campaign of ridicule secrecy” led by the CIA. (source) The statement below from Victor Marchetti, former special assistant to the Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, speaks to a concerted campaign of secrecy. It doesn’t seem to hold true anymore, at least the last part, as we’ve seen a massive declassification, disclosure and dissemination of information since this video was taken. “We have, indeed, been contacted—perhaps even visited—by extraterrestrial beings, and the US government, in collusion with the other national powers of the Earth, is determined to keep this information from the general public.” (Second Look, Volume 1, No 7, Washington, DC, May, 1979) One of the biggest mouthpieces for “the establishment,” The New York Times, admitted something that the establishment, or facets of it, have been concealing for years: UFOs are real.
The Times broke the story about a secret Pentagon program, but any UFO researcher knows these programs are more in-depth, expensive, and expansive than anything that’s described. You can read more about mainstream UFO disclosure and the latest updates in the article linked below.
The US Government Just Admitted To Recovering Materials From UFOs – Here Are The Latest Updates Why is mainstream UFO disclosure happening now? Well, there are multiple theories. One is the fact that it’s become so obvious that those who control the secrecy with regards to this subject have clearly become aware of the fact that the UFO phenomenon has become so obvious that they have no choice but to admit something is going on. That being said, another concern is that they are using the truth, to lie, as they’ve done many times. A perfect example would be the ‘war on terror,’ and the use of false flag terrorism to justify a heightened national security state and the intervention and destruction of foreign governments for ulterior and selfish motives. Massive perception manipulation is required for these types of activity, which is why intelligence agencies, governments, and powerful corporations have always had a close and questionable relationship with mainstream media and academia, as covered in the articles below. Declassified CIA Documents Show Agencies Control over Mainstream Media Academia The CIA The Media: 50 Facts The World Should Know. Others have suggested that the UFO/extraterrestrial issue will be used to create a false flag alien invasion. This idea mainly comes from Carol Rosin, who is mentioned in this Wikileaks email grab, from the Podesta files. She is the first female corporate manager of Fairchild Industries, and is a space and missile defense consultant who has worked with various corporations, government departments, and intelligence communities. She worked closely with Wernher Von Braun shortly before his death, specifically on the subject of space-based weapons.
The email was with Astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell trying to get the government’s attention on the issue. She brings up the idea of a false flag alien threat, one that was apparently conveyed to her by Dr Wernher Von Braun in 1974, you can read more about that here. Another theory, could be broken down into multiple sub-theories, is that there is a group of people from within this secrecy network who simply feel it’s time to let the world know what’s been known by the black budget world for years, that we are not alone. Non-disclosure agreements and personal risks involved in proliferating this information is one reason it is still not out in the open, though much informatiuon is now out there for those willing to dog a little. You can read more details about the black budget below. MSU Professor US Secretary of Housing Disclose The Reality of the Black Budget Extraterrestrials “The Black Budget.” This Is What The Secret Government Doesn’t Want You To Know“ When it comes to this issue, it’s important to realize that there is a lot of disinformation out there. UFO disclosure movements have had a long history of infiltration for the purposes of spreading disinformation, which simply makes it harder to know what’s actually going on. Some of the disinformation is also used as a ploy to ridicule the topic, and make it seem so outlandish that any ‘mainstreamer’ would laugh at it. At the end of the day, we do know that we are not alone, that we are being visited, and have been visited for a long time.
The evidence is overwhelming, as there is more evidence for extraterrestrial visitation than there is evidence for black holes. Humanity is currently in a transition, our perceptual blinders are being taken off, and we are starting to see the world for what it really is: a much more interesting and fascinating place that we’ve been told. It’s our birthright to have access to this information. Transparency is the only way the human race can continue to explore reality and discover more truths about ourselves and existence.
The realization that we are not alone touches all aspects of humanity, and will change everything forever. At the end of the day, I believe it forces humanity to look at itself, discover more things about itself, and I feel that all of this disclosure and increase in activity is somehow correlated with the massive shift in perception on our planet. As much as it activates our fear, insecurity, and other issues, there is also something very comforting happening on our planet. As humanity is able to allow itself be a little more vulnerable, and a little more open, a wondrous new world will come into view. .
Read the full article at the original website