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Active metabolites combination therapies: towards the next paradigm for more efficient and more scientific Chinese medicine

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) formulae have been studied extensively in various human diseases and have proven to be effective due to their multi-component, multi-target advantage.

Active metabolites combination therapies: towards the next paradigm for more efficient and more scientific Chinese medicine

However, its active metabolites are not clear and the specific mechanisms are not well established, which limits its scientific application. Recently, combination therapies are attracting increasing attention from the scientific community in the past few years and are considered as the next paradigm in drug discovery. Here, we tried to define a new concept of “active metabolites combination therapies (AMCT)” rules to elucidate how the bioactive metabolites from TCMs to produce their synergistic effects in this review.

The AMCT rules integrate multidisciplinary technologies like molecular biology, biochemistry, pharmacology, analytical chemistry and pharmacodynamics, etc. Meanwhile, emerging technologies such as multi-omics combined analysis, network analysis, artificial intelligence conduce to better elucidate the mechanisms of these combination therapies in disease treatment, which provides new insights for the development of novel active metabolites combination drugs. AMCT rules will hopefully further guide the development of novel combination drugs that will promote the modernization and international needs of TCM.

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