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Affordable Net-Zero Pre-Fab Home Is Solar Powered & Constructed In Only 3 Days

Affordable Net-Zero Pre-Fab Home Is Solar Powered & Constructed In Only 3 Days

There’s a new net-zero, off-grid capable home on the market, and this beauty is a pre-fabricated house that pops up in just 3 days -they are also designed to stand the test of time, lasting for centuries. Now, doesn’t this just make a whole lot more sense? The 1620 square foot, 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom home is a great example of how we can use sustainable forms of energy to suit our every need and modern lifestyle. It is built to LEED v4 Platinum and net zero energy standards and also impressively is outfitted with the largest selection of Cradle to Cradle certified building products ever used in a residential project. Cradle to Cradle is a name given to products that have a regenerative design, modelling human industry on nature’s processes, viewing materials as nutrients circulating in a healthy and safe metabolism. This lovely abode was constructed by a company called Unity Homes in collaboration with BUILDER magazine and the Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute.

The home was fully constructed at Unity’s Factory based out of New Hampshire over the course of just five short weeks. It was then assembled on the floor of the expo in only three days! The house is based off of Unity’s Zum model and is comprised by a system of pods and panels that include: sheathing, wiring, insulation, and finishes. Part of the goal of Unity’s home design is to make sustainable homes more affordable and it is, currently at around $150 per square foot, with that price expected to drop. “We can totally change the equation of homebuilding,” said Unity Homes Founder Tedd Benson. “We can build homes that are fossil-fuel free and affordable. We can build homes in 30 days that are around for 300 years...and we can do it in a way that’s stress-free...for all of us.” Considering how accessible these alternative options for houses are, hopefully over the next couple of decades we will be seeing a lot more of this! Imagine not having to even worry about renovations or a power bill for that matter... these homes are truly worth it, for the obvious economical reasons and certainly for the environment as well. If you are interested in learning more about off-grid capable, tiny homes or Earthships, check out the clickable links! Many people believe that we have to take a step backward with technology, but if we are able to use it to our advantage and without leaving an environmental footprint behind, why would we? The future is friendly. .

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