After Social Media Purges Independent News Sites, Ben Swann Announces ‘Isegoria’

October 11th, Facebook silently deleted dozens of independent media pages for what they claimed to be "inauthentic activity." That same day, ex-CBS anchor and "Reality Check" host, Ben Swann announced a new blockchain media platform called Isegoria. What's the true reason behind this purge of independent media? Is this purge a violation of free speech and the Constitution of the United States itself? Is Isegoria laying the foundation for how independent media can survive this all out purge? “When you tear out a man’s tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you’re only telling the world that you fear what he might say.” ~ Tyrion Lannister The media circus we’ve been witnessing lately has only exacerbated the political rabble-rousing and created an even larger divide between the right and left, leaving those in the middle wondering how we got into this mess in the first place. For anyone who has watched any of Ben Swann’s Reality Check episodes over the past few years, you know that his agenda is simple: present facts without any expression of his own views or opinions. At the end of every Reality Check, Ben would always finish with a statement or question that encompasses the entire segment and would finish by saying “That’s a reality check, let’s talk about that right now on social media.” He has a knack for allowing the free thought process to percolate in his viewers’ minds and opens a platform for conscious debate instead of giving an opinion or pushing his own beliefs or an agenda on his viewers. It’s no secret that most of the mainstream media has been lacking in this skill-set for quite some time, hence the inevitable rise of Isegoria. Note: The below summary, mission and problem is taken directly from the website Spearheaded by multi-award winning investigative journalist Ben Swann, whose social following is nearing 1 million subscribers. Mr. Swann has created content that has reached hundreds of millions of viewers. Isegoria will be a collaboration of independent journalists and entertainers. Isegoria will have two parts: Part 1 is the 24 hour streaming platform and Part 2 is the treasury that funds independent creators.
There is an illusion of a free marketplace for ideas and debate in American and Global Media, when in fact powerful platforms are deciding which thoughts, ideas and messages the public will be allowed to hear, discuss and debate. Isegoria’s Mission: To create an uncensored, blockchain-based, decentralized news and entertainment platform with a funding mechanism for independent media.
The Problem: Independent media is being purged from social media platforms at an alarming rate. Facebook has been banning pages with millions of fans and followers for no stated reason. Twitter has already been shadow banning content creators for years but is now outright banning dissenting voices from its platform. YouTube is deleting channels without warning on a regular basis. Meanwhile, mainstream media is becoming increasingly consolidated and centralized. In the 1990s, around 50 corporations owned all the media in the US, whereas now only 6 corporations control 90% of all media in the United States.
There is an illusion of a free marketplace for ideas and debate in American and Global Media, when in fact powerful platforms are deciding which thoughts, ideas and messages the public will be allowed to hear, discuss and debate. So, what do we need to prepare ourselves for the ongoing consciousness wars? We must be vigilant. We must have integrity. We must shine light on those who speak the truth. And we must never forget George Orwell’s warning: Freedom is the right to tell people what they do not want to hear. Related Articles: Heavy Article: CE Article: .
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