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Air Powered Car Set For Release In 2016 By Major Auto Manufacturer

Everyday the world is hearing about various technologies that carry the potential to render fossil fuels obsolete.

Air Powered Car Set For Release In 2016 By Major Auto Manufacturer

It’s become extremely clear that we don’t have to generate energy the way that we currently do. We have the technology to change the way we generate energy forever, one great example of this is free energy, and another one is the air powered car. Peugeot Citroen, a car manufacturing company out of France has introduced a hybrid car that runs on air, and they’ve said that the vehicle should be available by 2016. The company has already developed prototypes, and has driven them up to 12,000 miles already.

The air-only aspect of the car converts it into a zero emission vehicle, something that all car manufacturers should be required to make. In my opinion, cars that use old ways of generating energy (gas) should be decommissioned and made illegal. What happens in this car is that a hydraulic pump forces compressed air against fluid to activate the wheels. Peugeot will be the first major auto manufacturer to develop an air-powered car on four wheels, it’s already been done on three by a U.K company, called the “Airpod.” This model would not be able to travel more than 50mph, and would be designed solely for city use.

The firm says the car could reduce petrol bills by 80 % when driven in cities.

The car runs on petrol or air, or a combination of two.

The gas powered part of the car is activated on road and highway driving, and the air powered component kicks in at speeds below 70 kph -during which the gasoline engine is stopped. During urban driving the air mode runs on average for 80 percent of the time. For interested readers, there is also sufficient evidence to suggest that cars can be powered solely by water. To find out more about that, click here. Imagine a city that required all vehicles to run on compressed air.

There would be zero pollution. Why aren’t these technologies implemented? Why aren’t we doing things better? Is it because big oil is worth trillions of dollars? Is it our lack of initiative? The way we operate here on Earth is very elementary, it’s time for us to grow up because it doesn’t have to be this way anymore, it’s just not sustainable. Sources: .

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