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Alan Watts: Why Your Life Is Not A Journey

Life isn’t a journey? I know what you’re thinking.Context.His words are all about context here when it comes to the word journey.

Alan Watts: Why Your Life Is Not A Journey

y. In a very wise way we can look at life as a journey, and yet at the same time we can look at life as a journey in a more ‘negative’ fashion like Alan Watts brings forth in this clip. It’s all about what someone means when referring to the word as opposed to simply the word. That’s why the key is to pay less attention to specific words, and more attention to the underlying theme and message that carries a profound meaning that can change our perspective about many things. Don’t get caught up in getting to a destination while missing out on what happens the entire way there. I’ve done this a lot in my life, and it doesn’t feel good the moment you realize how much you are doing it. At the same time, the moment you realize you are doing it, you gain a powerful lesson you would not have internalized had you not done it. Nothing happens by accident, we are here to learn. But, be vigilant with your lessons and internalize them. It’s how we will evolve and move beyond the unconsciousness we live in now. .

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