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Albert Einstein’s Private Notes On The Secret To Happiness Have Been Uncovered, 95 Years Later

“If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.” Theoretical physicist Albert Einstein was more than just a brilliant scientific mind.

Albert Einstein’s Private  Notes On The Secret To Happiness Have Been Uncovered, 95 Years Later

He also had a lot of wisdom to share, particularly when it comes to the pursuit of happiness, and two recently discovered notes, dated from 1922, are proving this once again. Presented by a Hamberg seller who chose to remain anonymous, the notes offer simple words to live by that remain relevant even today, 95 years later. While on a lecture tour in Japan, Einstein stayed at the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo, where a courier arrived to deliver him a message. It’s said that Einstein didn’t want the employee to leave without a tip but local Japanese custom prohibited the courier from accepting — or perhaps Einstein had just run out of change. In place of a monetary tip, he instead decided to write the courier a message, a move perhaps inspired by his increasing fame, as he was set to receive the Nobel Prize for physics and his name was becoming known even outside the scientific community. He wrote the messenger two notes by hand in German, the first on plain paper and the second on I mperial Hotel Tokyo stationary.

The hotel stationary reads: “A quiet and modest life brings more joy than a pursuit of success bound with constant unrest.” And the blank paper: “Where there’s a will, there’s a way.” Einstein signed and dated the notes, and disclosed his location in the capital of Japan. Gal Winner, owner and manager of the Winner’s Auction House in Jerusalem, displays two notes written by Albert Einstein, in 1922, on hotel stationary from the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo Japan According to the seller, Einstein also told the courier, “Maybe if you’re lucky those notes will become much more valuable than just a regular tip.” The notes will go on sale Wednesday, October 25 at the Winner’s Auction House in Jerusalem and will accompany two more letters that Einstein wrote in later years. .

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