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‘Alien-Hunting’ Scientists Find 72 New Fast Radio Bursts Using New Algorithm

Scientists searching for ET life via radio signal detection have used a new computer algorithm to analyze data taken from fast radio bursts.

‘Alien-Hunting’ Scientists Find 72 New Fast Radio Bursts Using New Algorithm

New analysis, revealed more bursts than originally thought, pushing them further in their search for ET civs. Do we not already know there are ET life forms and civilizations via whistleblowers, declassified documents and our own intuition? Why have these deeper understandings of ETs not been discussed publicly, but stuff like this is? See end of article.

The search for alien life, that’s intelligent, has increased in mainstream admission over the last 5 to 10 years or so. More and more we hear about the search for organisms, deep space telescopes looking for habitable worlds and radio signals that might suggest some form of intelligence or technology in the far reaches of our galaxy or universe. To those that have been following the ET phenomenon for quite some time, you know there is full on knowledge of ET life, beings, UFOs, other worlds etc at certain levels of military and security organization clearances. However, in the public eye, we may have curiosity, questions, and believe what we see in mainstream media about ETs or maybe we laugh off the subject as crazy still. Regardless, it’s clear this subject has captivated humanity heavily for the last 5 – 10 years, and my guess is this will only increase, greatly. One thing ‘alien hunting’ scientists have been searching for are fast radio bursts (FRBs).

They are essentially extremely powerful energetic emissions that can be measured by the technology we have produced here on earth.

These blasts only last a few milliseconds on average, making the need for computer analysis of these signals necessary to attempt to make sense of them. While we, within these programs, are still unsure where these blasts come from, or even who, we have been cataloging them for some time in an attempt to gain more understanding. One burst, FRB 121102, has been repeating itself over the last few years, allowing scientists to learn more about what it is and where it might be coming from. It is believed that the signals are coming from a neutron star located in a dwarf galaxy roughly 3 billion light-years from Earth. In 2017, astronomers used the Green Bank Telescope to hone their search in the area of FRB 121102 to learn more about it.

They ended up discovering 21 new bursts. This was all collected as data and then analyzed by powerful computer models. What they have recently learned is, more bursts were hiding in the data than originally thought. A new machine-learning algorithm was used to reanalyze the 2017 data and researchers found 72 new bursts on top of the original 23. While this has not yet provided further information as to who or what these bursts might be, to these scientists, it continues to excite their search. They recently published their discovery in the publication Astrophysical Journal. “This work is only the beginning of using these powerful methods to find radio transients,” lead author Gerry Zhang, from the University of California, Berkeley, said in a statement. “We hope our success may inspire other serious endeavours in applying machine learning to radio astronomy.” The latest analysis has now shown roughly 300 FRBs detected from this one source alone. Proponents of these new technologies, and those involved in the search, believe they could allow the project to become more thorough in finding potential radio signals from alien civilizations.

The word disclosure comes as a loaded one. Disclosure of what? From whom? Have things not already been disclosed? Will we get honest disclosure from the DoD, government, military? These are all great questions and ones that ultimately tell us we must develop our sense of self-awareness and discernment as we move through these revealing times. To me, this is not a battle like many make it out to be.

The shift in consciousness, search for truth and so forth, is not about fighting the elite or Deep State to get what we want. This is a spiritual journey. One that challenges us to break old patterns, old reliance on governance, authorities and ultimately challenges us to begin using our gut feeling, intuition and consciousness to explore truths we wish to discover. This does not mean there is no place for the study of the material, it simply means that we must also bring in our ‘other senses’ and consciousness into the equation. So the question is asked, are we seeing these admissions and much of this curiosity in the alien field as soft disclosure from the elite? Prepping for a larger disclosure but first wanting to set their own narrative so they can control what narrative ultimately comes out about why this has been covered up for so long? I believe this is part of it. But I also believe there is something even greater at play. You may have heard me talk about this before, but I sense that the search and desire of discovering ETs is a deep search for humanity as we wish to evolve. For thousands of years we have been experiencing and playing amongst ourselves here on earth. Moving through various cycles, situations of manipulation via an elite, and up to this point we have discovered much about one another. It is true that on an emotional intelligence level and a basic understanding of living through peace towards one another, we have some work to do. Many of us walk around not knowing ourselves deeply, not understanding the true nature of our reality and primarily live in our heads and are controlled by our emotions. This does not necessarily show a ‘mastering’, if you will, of the human experience. But I believe and can see, that this is all changing. Greater self-awareness, a greater sense of self, questioning our reality and mainstream narratives. Choosing to live through peace and care for one another.

These are all facets of what new action we are taking on this planet as humans. Do we have ways to go? Yes. But the moment we stop resisting it and get out of our heads and analyzing everything, the faster it will go. This does not need to take hundreds of years. I flat out call that bullshit. I feel that our deep search for ETs represents the desire to grow and evolve in a way we have not seen before. Similar to when a new civilization arrives from across the ocean, and suddenly we expand our knowledge, language, ways of doing things, technologies etc, usually following conflict or war in our current consciousness, the meeting of ETs and ET civilizations will bring this in a way we are deeply desiring. What holds it back? We must evolve beyond our ways of war, fighting, and individualized consciousness whereby we only think of ourselves and immediate circles. This is not our nature, but simply of our current level of consciousness. I share this more deeply in the video below.

The more we move into oneness consciousness, an understanding that yes, we are individuals having an individual experience, but that we share that experience on a planet with other beings and with nature, and that living in a collaborative harmony is the next step for us, the more the ET reality will open up for us collectively. This, of course, comes with recognizing and understanding who we truly are, beings that are more than simply a mind and a body. We are consciousness within this experience. And the mind and the body are here to work in unison with our consciousness.

The practice of exploring and understanding who you are as consciousness can begin with something as simple as meditation or laying down on a bed and just paying attention to breath and feeling/sensing your body.

The more we practice this, the more we slow life down, recognize the small details and set distraction from these truths aside.


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