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Amazing! 12-Year-Old Boy Explains Egypt’s Political Revolution

You know how I know this world is in the midst of a massive revolution? Because young people of today are clearly making it known they will not put up with the world the way it is..

Amazing! 12-Year-Old Boy Explains Egypt’s Political Revolution

They are programmed differently, they see things differently.

There is no possible way the world we see today will exist for much longer due to the new generations of people and the vast changes happening in current generations. Watch as this 12-year-old boy eloquently describes the social and political issues that Egypt faces. He touches on key issues like integrating religion into government, which most nations are guilty of, and even inequality between men and women which leads to the insane acceptance of violence towards women. This is a very powerful video sending a very powerful message to the world. Change is on its way! .

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