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Anonymous Artist Paints Sexual Images Around Potholes To Get Them Fixed (NSFW)

Every city has glaring issues that need to be addressed.

Anonymous Artist Paints Sexual Images Around Potholes To Get Them Fixed (NSFW)

In Greater Manchester, England an anonymous street artist that goes by the name “Wanksy” has decided to take it upon himself to make sure that one of them is no longer overlooked.

The city, like so many others, is riddled with potholes, an issue that has injured a number of Wanksy’s cyclist friends who rely on those roads for safe travel. In order to draw attention to this issue, Wanksy has taken it upon himself to spray paint sexual images around the potholes, making them virtually unavoidable. WARNING: Below are some of the images posted on Wanksy’s facebook page, they are sexually suggestive in nature and NSFW. According to the artist, the hastily done artwork itself is painted in non-permanent paint that washes out in 1-2 weeks – just enough time to draw attention and have something done to repair the pothole. Wanksy spoke with BBC Newsbeat and had this to say: “People will drive over the same pothole and forget about it... Suddenly you draw something amusing around it, everyone sees it and it either gets reported or fixed.” As controversial as the nature of these paintings may be to some, it’s hard to argue with the results that they have generated so far. Wanksy’s work has certainly not gone unnoticed, as several local and viral media outlets have covered his story.

The overall response to it is mixed however, as many love the awareness intention but find themselves offended by the sexual approach that the artist has chosen to take. A council spokesman from a town in Greater Manchester had this to say to the Evening News: “Has this person, for just one second, considered how families with young children must feel when they are confronted with these obscene symbols as they walk to school? Not only is this vandalism, but it’s also counter-productive. Every penny that we have to spend cleaning off this graffiti is a penny less that we have to spend on actually repairing the potholes.” What are your thoughts on Wanksy’s work? Do you find it offensive and inappropriate? Or do you see it as a clever and effective way to have a glaring issue addressed? Let us know via the comment section below. Source: .

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