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Another Syrian Chemical Weapons Attack Just Happened: The Final ‘False Flag’ Before A Full US Intervention?

It’s hard not to get chills thinking about what some souls on this planet are experiencing and what they have to go through..

Another Syrian Chemical Weapons Attack Just Happened: The Final ‘False Flag’ Before A Full US Intervention?

The world is full of pain, heartbreak, and suffering; yes, that is undeniable.

These emotions can act as wake up calls for us to snap out of it and change our world. We cannot, however, snap out of it unless we really see through what’s going on here. Sure, we can post articles and videos of horrific footage, trying to get it through to people, but we seem to continually miss the cause of these events. Mainstream media loves portraying the news in a negative light to play on our fears and deceive us, as it’s full of elitist agendas that sway political thought. It’s hard to tell what exactly is real today. This is why independent critical thinking is so important. A number of popular world class journalists have stated these facts time and time again. The infiltration of media by intelligence agencies is not a conspiracy theory. It started with Operation Mocking Bird and continues till this day. This is exactly what these journalists are expressing. Related CE Article: The CIA and The Media: 50 Facts The World Should Know Over the years, it’s become clear that something odd is going on here.

The human race is at a crossroads, and there’s very few who truly wish suffering upon others, what human being would? There are agendas at play, and brainwashing on multiple sides in order to pit people against each other. In the meantime, the global elite continue to profit and control us to gain even more power. At the same time, a massive shift in consciousness is happening and these facts continue to be exposed. This exposure and our growing ability to see through “the bamboozle” will ultimately lead to it’s demise, which in turn will mean no more painful and heart-breaking experiences for people all over the world. Consciousness plays a huge role, at that is often unacknowledged. A change within ourselves is what will bring about global peace, and that’s a topic that’s been expanded upon in many of our articles. This article comes in light of the recent chemical attack in Syria.

The images and footage you see that are spreading all over the internet are, well, there are really no words to describe them.

These types of “terror” attacks have occurred time and time again, 9/11 being one of the biggest examples. When it comes to trying to resolve these issues, mainstream media always points to an enemy, referred to as terrorists, or various oppositions that warrant a western military intervention to supposedly ‘restore’ the peace. Below is a statement from Michel Chossudovsky, an award-winning author, Professor of Economics (emeritus) at the University of Ottawa, Founder and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), Montreal, and the Editor of Global Research. He has taught as visiting professor in Western Europe, Southeast Asia, the Pacific and Latin America. He has served as economic adviser to governments of developing countries and has acted as a consultant for several international organizations. He is the author of eleven books including The Globalization of Poverty and The New World Order (2003), America’s “War on Terrorism” (2005), The Global Economic Crisis, and more. He brings up a point continually ignored by mainstream media and government for years, and that’s false flag terrorism. In the light of recent developments and accusations directed against the Syrian government, it is important once more to set the record straight: the US supported rebels possess chemical weapons. The following article first published in December 2012 [scroll down] documents how the Pentagon not only provided chemical weapons to Al Nusra, an affiliated Al Qaeda terrorist organization, but also provided training to the rebels in the use of these weapons. While Washington continues to point its finger at president Bashar al Assad, a United Nations independent commission of inquiry confirmed as early as May 2013 that the rebels rather than the government have chemical weapons in their possession and were using sarin nerve gas against the civilian population. Perhaps the home run statement by him was a more recent statement on his website: And once these Al Qaeda rebels had been supplied and trained in the use of WMDs by military contractors hired by the Pentagon, the Syrian government would then be held responsible for using the WMD against the Syrian people. What we are seeing here is the side that’s never given any mainstream media attention but instead is presented by people like Chossudovsky, which is that these events are acts of false flag terrorism. This occurs when a small group of powerful people who dominate western finance and politics create events, and then twist what actually happened using their own media.

These fake news stories are then used as justification for the infiltration of another country. It’s easy to understand why so many people deem this a ‘conspiracy theory,’ because these scenarios are so “immoral” that they are just too hard for some people’s minds to accept. Former Four Star General Wesley Clark, who was the Supreme Allied Commander of Europe of NATO from 1997-2000, has spoken out about this subject. Clark said, in an interview with Democracy Now, that the U.S. had plans to invade countries in the Middle East, including Syria, for no justified reason at all. He offered the sentiments of some within the American military, that they have a “good military” and that they can “take down governments.” He spoke of a memo that described how the U.S. had “plans to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and finishing off, Iran” (source). Perhaps this was why the Pentagon was caught paying a PR firm over $500 million to create fake terrorist videos? Many also suggest that false flags go as far as staging events with actors, that some of the tragic events we’ve seen don’t even cost human lives. At the same time, human beings are being killed to justify military intervention... This topic was also brought up with when Netflix aired “White Helmets.” In the documentary, the White Helmets are portrayed as a heroic group saving the lives of innocent Syrian civilians.

Their video footage captures the chaos and tragedy that’s taking place in Syria, and features the group peacefully helping injured civilians as they fight, without using violence, against the war and terror that ensue. But, explains Patrick Henningsen, a geopolitical analyst at 21st Century Wire. “All of the footage used in the film was provided to the producers by the White Helmets themselves. This film production crew – Netflix productions – did not film any of the so-called rescue scenes.” He continues: What this film is essentially a PR cushion for a $100-$150 million covert op, which is basically an NGO front funded by USAID, the British Foreign Office, various EU member states, Qatar, and other various and sundry nations, and members of the public, who quite frankly in my opinion and many others, have been duped into donating their money for this rescue group, that is anything but. It essentially functions as a support group alongside Al-Nusra and al-Din al-Zenki and other known terrorist groups operating in Syria. That is a fact that has been proven by a number of eyewitness testimonies. You can read more about that here. “The truth is, there is no Islamic army or terrorist group called Al-Qaeda, and any informed intelligence officer knows this. But, there is a propaganda campaign to make the public believe in the presence of an intensified entity representing the ‘devil’ only in order to drive TV watchers to accept a unified international leadership for a war against terrorism.

The country behind this propaganda is the United States.” – Former British Foreign Secretary, Robin Cook (source) Obviously that’s not the case for all events. This stuff has been talked about for decades: The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of.” – Edward Bernays (“the father of public relations”), Propaganda, 1928 Vladimir Putin has also expressed the same, calling out the New World Order and telling the world that these ‘terrorists’ are paid mercenaries. So, ask yourself: Who are they paid by? If we look at evidence, the answer seems to be the western military alliance. So, we can continue to sit back, feel bad and accept refugees, pray for victims, and completely unacknowledge the fact that those who claim to be helping us are the same ones creating the problem in the first place. All this occurs whilst simultaneously brainwashing the masses in those countries with false stories and ‘fake news.’ The Dalai Lama touched upon how war and brainwashing soldiers is what’s indeed going on here, and how our acceptance is moulded because we are made to think it’s something necessary. “The statesmen will invent cheap lies, putting the blame upon the nation that is attacked, and every man will be glad of those conscience-soothing falsities, and will diligently study them, and refuse to examine any refutations of them.” – Mark Twain In the meantime, society is pumped up with patriotism, ‘Uncle Sam’ in a different form. We are made to believe in heroes that serve our country against the same ‘terrorists’ that our government played a hand in creating. Our perceptions on events like these are highly controlled and influenced. Much of our thoughts are given to us instead of us putting on our critical thinking caps and examining for ourselves. We cannot continue to give our own minds away to this entity of deception that thrives off the manipulation of our minds. This is one aspect of the current shift in consciousness that’s occurring on our planet. Once we see through the ‘bamboozle,’ it makes it that much harder for these events to continue. As our perception of what is happening on our planet, including this current Syrian conflict, changes, so does the ability of the global elite to use our own minds against us. It’s time to wake up. In the grand scale of things, these events do nothing but serve our collective interests.

They serve, they exist, and they are happening for us to learn from them and open our eyes.

They require our critical thinking in order for us to bring them to an end. Evidence continues to surface allowing us to see these facts.

The innocent people who have had to suffer through all of this deceit, at a soul level, are playing a very brave and heroic role. But that’s a little bit deeper of a topic. .

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