Are You A ‘Self-Help’ Junkie Dying For REAL CHANGE?!
The coaching industry is for the most part, unregulated.

Anyone can decide they want to be a coach without having the skills, experience, self-awareness and depth of understanding of the complexities of the human condition, which are essential. If you are considering or already working with a coach it is important firstly, that you are crystal clear on the primary role and responsibility you possess over your wellbeing. And secondly, that you do due diligence on any coach you hire. As someone who’s been working closely with clients for the past 16 years in a personal growth capacity and who, in that time has been working on myself and my own growth as well, my life has changed more than I could ever have imagined was possible. I have been through many growth experiences that have seen me move countries twice, become a wife and a mother and now, I enjoy a beautiful existence in a small countryside town where I run my boutique-style business on Mallorca, off the coast of Spain. My experience on both sides of the coaching and personal development industry however is what I want to highlight because it uniquely qualifies me to point out more than a few things. I want to speak to, in my experience, the many folks who have been blindsided and gotten caught up in searching for their next ‘fix’, be it through coaches or coaching programs ‘designed’ to address your most dire life/relationship/money/health problems and needs. As they refer to it in the industry, your ‘pain’.
The thing is, I have come to believe that many of the promises made by some of the players in the self-improvement industry, are built (most times unconsciously) upon inherent untruths and assumptions about who YOU, the consumer ARE. I don’t only believe this for you. I know it to be true because I, along with many of my colleagues and clients have been burned too. I have have had to find another way. I have had to find my own way.
There are a significant number of coaches and coaching programs out there that simply FAIL to adequately acknowledge your inner resources, wisdom, resilience and strength, what you deserve, have the potential to create AND to bring these to the fore. If your Facebook experience is anything like mine, these are the tentacles that reach out, flailing at you, trying to grab your attention every time you scroll down your feed. It is both my observation and personal experience that as much as the industry is filled with practitioners who are conscious, in integrity and awake, it is also full of practitioners who, driven by their own fear, lack an overwhelming desire for a profitable bottom line, are unaware of the covert ‘personal development’ business building techniques they have been taught to bring unsuspecting, often vulnerable clients in. Without calling any names, you can think here of some of the high-visiblity players in the industry. Consider the fanfare and energy around their launches, the tone of their copy, the well-oiled funnels, landing pages and up-selling strategies they use to bring large numbers of clients in. We are confronted by this kind of marketing everyday. It would be interesting to know exactly what percentage of their students/clients feel, by the end of these programs, that the promises made had been fulfilled. It is a number that we will never know, but what I do know is this... Those who find themselves disappointed in their results and by extension, their coaches and themselves, THESE are the clients that tend to make the rounds because they feel forlorn, hopeless and lost. These are the ‘personal development junkies’ who are searching for their next FIX. If this is YOU, I invite you to stop whatever it is you’ve been desperately throwing your energy, attention, hopes and dreams at and take this truth in: No matter what shiny new modality, course, coach, coaching program or product promises to change your life, here is what 9 times out of 10, they won’t say...or if they do, they have no idea how to hold the space needed for it to root itself into your muscle memory and bones... More than anything, it takes confidence and self-belief as well as deep connection and communication with YOURSELF to create what you most desire and need. In other words, if you haven’t been actively acknowledging this truth, theres a good chance that you’ve been unwittingly been buying into the untruth for the solution to all your problems, your ability to call in your needs and heart’s desires lies outside of yourself, in someone else’s hands. What can you do to change this subversive belief? You can DECIDE once and for all that you are no longer going to let yourself be distracted by the plethora of ‘mindset’ modalities and teachers clamouring for your attention out there. That is not to say that there isn’t value in investing in mentorship and support, but the point here is this: In your life, YOU call the shots. The answers to your problems all lie within you and can only be unearthed firstly by cultivating a solid relationship with yourself so that YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE. YOU get to take full ownership for your growth and decide, based on your wisdom, what support you most need. You too can and are meant to find YOUR OWN WAY.
Read the full article at the original website