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Artificial intelligence to enhance prehospital stroke diagnosis and triage: a perspective

Artificial intelligence to enhance prehospital stroke diagnosis and triage: a perspective

As health systems organize to deliver the highest quality stroke care to their patients, there is increasing emphasis being placed on prehospital stroke recognition, accurate diagnosis, and efficient triage to improve outcomes after stroke. Emergency medical services (EMS) personnel currently rely heavily on dispatch accuracy, stroke screening tools, bypass protocols and prehospital notification to care for patients with suspected stroke, but novel tools including mobile stroke units and telemedicine-enabled ambulances are already changing the landscape of prehospital stroke care. Herein, the authors provide our perspective on the current state of prehospital stroke diagnosis and triage including several of these emerging trends.

Then, we provide commentary to highlight potential artificial intelligence (AI) applications to improve stroke detection, improve accurate and timely dispatch, enhance EMS training and performance, and develop novel stroke diagnostic tools for prehospital use.

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