Artificial white blood cells detected
First we saw the erythromer, now we have new white blood cells.

I am sorry to say that I am still seeing artificial white blood cells since having seen the first ones in a friends blood around earlier 2023. It is becoming more frequent, and now there is consistency enough that I feel I should call this observation too. I found two today, in my own blood.

At the beginning of the video below we clearly see white blood cell’s on the left in their usual blue granular form, and new artificial white cell on the right. The appearance of the white cells is one that includes very tiny blue granules, hence the generic term, granulocytes. However, our friend on the right has no such familiar consistency with granulocytes. It is colourful, immensely bright by comparison, and has features resembling the rest of the self assembling material in the blood which we have been observing for the last few years. There is no doubt, it is an imitation white cell, with similar motility mechanisms but different and foreign internals. Apparently there is a name for artificial white blood cells, as much as there is a name for the altered RBC’s I have been documenting in world class image quality. I will review some of the previous work on those down below later for anyone who missed it. Either way, this means they are playing god. Manipulating, rewiring, redesigning human biology, and all without our consent or understanding as to why. I think that bit is obvious, if it were good then they would of sold the concept to us, if they lied about everything, put the same material on swabs, in tap water, then of course it is a control system for human beings just as they promised at the WEF (World Economic Forum). What else will we find out!
Video is taken at 100x HCX PL APO on a modified Leica DM2000, 100w 97+CRI cooled LED, industrial grade 1” Cmos imager also peltier cooled. Speed 5x
Watch these on the big screen to really see the mechanisms and details within the foreign synthetic cell structure. What is interesting is that you will notice the white cells nearing the foreign cell, until something makes it decide it should turn away again. Ive seen this several times. The synthetic white cells have some similar functional abilities according to literature and they typically seem to move using chemotaxis to guide them, just like white cells do. White cells are not really sentient, or so it is told. Like simple slime molds and amoeba they have a simple detection and response system without signs of complex intelligence or thinking ability. To no surprise neutophils are said to be most closely describable as being much like amoeba in some of the science literature I have read over the last few years. They detect a beneficial, or in this case, harmful toxin, or foreign object, and then a response is stimulated enabling the cell to travel towards a location of interest. Then there are other signals for when and how it must respond at the target site. That is pretty much a basic biological robotic function in itself. I avoid the use of the term robot or nanobots since there has to be a boundary of understanding between what a strictly hardware based robot is with hardware like mechanisms and external control to what simple biological robotic systems are in contrast. Some are natural and they have no external human or technology controlled ability in their original design. Some scientific literature likes to separate these terms in biology, synthetic biology, and nanotechnology. Other science paper writers like to call both robots and that lacks some clarity or ads extra confusion for some folks in terms if visually understanding the functional concepts. All though, I assure you this kind of technology is superior and far worse. Playing god as I said before! Modifying natural mechanisms to extend to nefarious use or more complex control systems outside of your own internal god given control. That can include the possibility for wireless Body area networks and or biological computing influences as well.
The above video was also taken at 5x speed using VLC player for playback and 3rd party video recording software to capture at lower resolution for web at the faster speed.
The one below shows VLC’s speed as I adjust it on the fly. Here it is almost as if the synthetic white cell is coming into formation from lipids and other materials in the cluster it is seen laying on. The movement on the big screen is extremely bizarre and surely very complex, it is almost as if you are watching a part assembly process nearing finishing stages of completion before the cell becomes motile. Nothing short of confusing until i find it again and see what it is doing now.
Before i show you some more images, and to save me reinventing the wheel as they say, lets look at fake white blood cell candidates. Just like the DOD’s erythromer designs for synthetically altered RBC’s you wont find obvious papers very easily regarding all the darkness custom altered cells can bring to the table. The possibilities are endless. The synthetic erythromer offers the ability to change a red blood cells function. It can become far more complex, form drugs, toxins, nano-materials, and other programmable matter. It can be designed to wirelessly release poisons, have kills switches, and whatever else you could possibly imagine. Before I add the link to previous work showing our altered RBC’s, lets get a run down from chatGPT about products which offer synthetic cell options for the white cell.
Confirming existence of frameworks able to simulate white cells artificially:

Can chatGPT elaborate further so I can explore this direction more:

I instantly wanted know how they simulated the same motile abilities, suspecting use of same mechanisms still, only man made in the image of:

For those who like extra detail:

Useful information:

I am having to study into the white cell synthetic variants now, but I will have to do that in tandem with the other writing I am doing at the moment. I shall not pretend to have gotten far enough ahead to learn the ins and outs yet and I shall transition over to the previous ongoing work where I have clearly proven the red blood cells (RBC’s) were altered long ago and are now producing programmed material. A design project which was of massive interest over the years to the Department Of Defense (DOD) in the USA.
It covered multiple contracts with various companies who were working on several forms of altered or synthetic blood. One of those was dry blood for emergency transfusion but other design involved altering RBC’s in the human body, while allowing the ability for control, release, and more. Satanism not science!
Here are several of my previous articles linking images to various sample takes. I am not an amazing writer when I sketch notes and my neurology has gone up and down throughout the last year, so please do not judge harshly.
I hope you have found my article informative and honest. The Implications as always are visually obvious to all but the untrained eye. But with a little insight as a nurse, biologist, Dr, similar, you can see whats going on. Don’t Bury your head in your ass, our future depends on us! and if we don’t all do something soon there may be no time to fix the effects of this plandemic inserted tyranny.
Read the full article at the original website.
Further read: