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Artist Replaces Billboards With Photos Of The Landscapes They’re Blocking

If you’ve ever driven across the US, you know how beautiful the scenery can be.

Artist Replaces Billboards With Photos Of The Landscapes They’re Blocking

Unfortunately in addition to all of the beauty, you are probably well aware of the multitude of billboards that inhabit the vast land, both countrysides and cities. While advertising can be a way to be informed sometimes, what are we missing in its place? One artist took to asking that very question by creating some large pieces that in essence became windows to the very mountain scapes that would otherwise be hidden by the massive billboards that usually are seen throughout our drives. Last year, these billboards were part of an installation that have since been removed. But it is important to note and share that though we are living in a commercial-centered world, it doesn’t mean we must use up all of our free land and views for even more advertising – as we know we are plenty bombarded throughout the day via social media, radio, etc. Enjoy the beauty of someone taking the time to try and bring the natural beauty back to our world! Credit: Jennifer Bolande Credit: Jennifer Bolande Explains the DesertX project page: “Each photograph is unique to its position along this route and at a certain point as one approaches each billboard, perfect alignment with the horizon will occur thus reconnecting the space that the rectangle of the billboard has interrupted. In the language of billboard advertising this kind of reading is referred to as a Burma-Shave after the shaving cream company of the same name who used sequential placement to create messaging that could be read only from a moving vehicle. Credit: Jennifer Bolande Within the desert empire of roadside signs, Bolande chooses to advertise the very thing so often overlooked. Looking up at the billboards our attention is drawn back to the landscape itself, pictured here as a stuttering kinesthetic of real and artificial horizons.” Credit: Jennifer Bolande Update: 33°50’41.70”N 116°30’21.02”W Desert X 2017 is permanently closed.

The artworks have been removed. .

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