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Astral Cleansing

The astral plane and our astral bodies are in the process of being cleansed.This process is happening whether we are ready for it or not.

Astral Cleansing

. Unlike consciously clearing emotions and “baggage” from our cells, astral clearing is done beyond our conscious awareness; we are all experiencing it right now. This influx of energy clearing out the astral plane and our astral bodies may cause upheavals within each of us. This may be seen as we catch ourselves becoming very angry over very insignificant events and we aren’t sure why. Some will experience temporary insanity and may lash out on loved ones; this is because they aren’t too accepting of the coming shift. Some will simply check out of the physicality and leave the earth.

They are lovingly saying “I’m not ready for this shift, and I’m checking out to allow things to move forward.” For those that are ready and accepting of this clearing, we might experience the ups and downs of regular emotions in a little more intense fashion. But we are aware and understand what is going on. With this new awareness and understanding, remember to stay detached from daily hardships or temporary lapses of insanity you may experience or witness. It is only temporary and in perfection as part of the shift. Avoid judgment and simply observe with what is going on. If it feels right and you are being guided, offer some words of advice or love to someone who might be confused or afraid. Enjoy each experience for whatever it may bring.


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