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Be The Hero Of Your Own Movie — Here’s How In One Minute

The following is an inspiring video by Joe Rogan.

Be The Hero Of Your Own Movie — Here’s How In One Minute

Perhaps best known for his work on reality television show Fear Factor and in standup comedy, Joe Rogan has since come to host one of the most successful podcasts in history, offering a platform for discussing current events, civil liberty, and consciousness. In this short yet powerful video, Joe offers brilliant tips for staying motivated, even when the pressures of life and the ugliness in our world start to bring us down. 1. “Forget about whatever financial disasters you’ve had, personal failures, relationship failures. What would the hero of your life’s movie do right now?” All of us have faced such challenges, and too many of us dwell on them, repeating the story in our heads over and over. This does nothing but exhaust us, bring us down, and keep us stuck in victim mode and self pity.

The truth is, each “failure” holds valuable gifts and lessons. How can we truly know what we want unless we experience what we do not want? How do we know happiness without knowing sadness? Or pleasure without pain? The beauty of the Contrast Experience (also known as Duality) can never be underestimated; it is an essential part of our learning here on Planet Earth.

The past is the past, and the future is yet to be written. Drop your past stories and live in this moment – Take Action NOW. 2. “We define ourselves far too often by our past failures. That’s not you, you are this person right now, you’re the person who’s learned from those failures and you can choose to be the hero of your own movie right now.” We learn through trial and error. Where would we be without making mistakes, without trying something new, without learning what doesn’t work so we can figure out what does work? Nobody becomes “successful” without “failing” many times along the way. Think about it: how did you learn to roll over, crawl, and walk? You failed a few times, maybe many times, before you figured it out. Each “failure” taught you something and you used that new knowledge to move forward. When we were babies, no one warned us against failing; there was just love, encouragement, and support. It didn’t matter whether we got it right the first time, or the twentieth time. We just kept trying new things and had fun with it.

Then, somewhere around age 4 or 5, when we started school, we began to realize there might be consequences to trying and not succeeding. We became scared that people would laugh at us or think we’re stupid; we became preoccupied with how others perceive us. We began to seek approval and modified our behaviours to fit these unbalanced fears and thus began a lifetime — for most of us — of trying to fit in and please everyone. We got stuck on the “fear of failure program.” It’s time to finally realize the value of making mistakes. We are not our past — we are only this moment. So stop worrying about “failure” and just take action. Move forward. 3. “Write down your goals, write down things you want to improve, write down things you won’t tolerate from yourself, write down things you’ve done in the past that you never want to see yourself do again.” Writing down our goals and values — what is truly important to us, what makes time stop when we are doing it, what makes our heart sing with joy — is very helpful. Very few people do this, yet it is a key step towards self awareness. Each of us is unique and amazing. We all have a role to play here, and we all have a gift to contribute to the human experience. Start writing things out and thinking about it, not with your head but with your heart. If money weren’t an issue, what would truly make you feel fulfilled? How can you be of service here? What is your contribution to planet Earth? How do you want to be remembered when you are no longer here? Start with that as your roadmap to creating a life that is aligned with your soul, and take baby steps — small actions that will add joy and purpose to your life, creating a new vibration which will bring in new opportunities. Think outside the box. Volunteer in an area you love in order to gain experience. Research ways to connect with like-minded people. Start your own group on Facebook, MeetUp, or your local Community Centre — wherever feels right. Research a subject you love and gain inspiration to take action. But do not get stuck in the thinking, writing, and research and forget to DO — taking action is key. Take one step at a time. Cherish the small steps, the “defeats,” and the little victories rather than waiting for the “big one” and postponing all your joy for that moment. Life is about the journey, and embracing ALL the ups and downs along the way — it is not about a destination. 4. “Build confidence and momentum with each good decision you make from here on out. You can do it, anyone can do it.” Believe in yourself. This one can prove challenging, as many of us struggle with self confidence. This causes us to become stuck, because we figure it’s not going to happen for us anyways, so why bother trying? The point is that you came here to experience life, which includes the struggle to believe in yourself and to realize what an incredible, capable creator you are. In overcoming any challenge, we gain a deeper sense of respect and understanding for who we really are. Start being kind, loving, and compassionate to yourself on a daily basis. Be aware of your negative self talk and replace it with uplifting statements that truly reflect how amazing you are. Every single human being is born with awesome capabilities and possibilities — it is our challenging life experiences and traumas that cause us to forget who we really are. Take back your power, realize your gifts, and focus on being of service to others. When you realize you are not just here for yourself, but to connect and assist others, who in turn assist you, you stop worrying about whether you are good enough or worthy enough and become immersed in the greater cause. Ask yourself, “How can I be of service? What can I contribute?” and then do it. 5. “... you can choose almost all the input that comes your way, whether it’s the movie that you watch, the books you read, the podcasts you listen to. You can choose to be inspired. Do that. Do that and be the hero of your own movie.” We live in a unique time on Earth. Never before has there been so much self growth and personal development material available to help us tap into our true power and resolve any emotional issues and traumas. From online webinars, ebooks, and YouTube videos to self help forums, books, and articles, the information and support is there. Turn off your TV and stop watching mainstream news. Stop listening to the fear mongering, the propaganda, the lies. Focus on what feels good to you, in your heart and soul. Let that guide you. Meditate, get outdoors, and connect to your inner wisdom. Be grateful for the simple things. Lighten up; life is not meant to be so hard and full of drama. Work on yourself and your world will change. It all begins with You. Share this article and video with someone who could use it. It could be the powerful pep talk they need today. Watch it on the days you need a boost and then TAKE ACTION. .

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