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Beautiful Earth: A Poetic Vision Of Earth From Space

Bella Gaia is an immersive audiovisual experience which explores the interconnected relationship between microcosmic and macrocosmic worlds.

Beautiful Earth: A Poetic Vision Of Earth From Space

Founded and created by talented composer Kenji Williams, he describes this project by saying “Itʼs an exploration of the relationship between human civilization and our ecosystem through time and space.” The motivation behind the project was inspired by the “overview effect,” which is the shift in awareness many astronauts report experiencing after viewing the humbling beauty of planet Earth from outer space (see below). Bella Gaia takes you on a simulated journey through time and space, through our world, and the worlds within our world. Using “NASA satellite imagery of Earth, time lapse nature photography, and cultural heritage footage with stirring live performances of music and dance from around the world,” this perspective-shifting work of art married with science allows us a rare glimpse at the life-force of our “beautiful Earth.” In viewing our planet in this fashion, one can’t help but feel extremely humbled, and deeply affected. At times it appears as though the Earth is a sentient being, inhaling with the clouds in her sky, exhaling with the currents of her oceans, moving with the busy momentum of her inhabitants, crying with the fires that engulf her forests.

The goal of this project has been to open the door to a new type of understanding, through right-brain engagement and activating the creative part of our minds, in order to find unity with the logical part of our awareness. A NASA funded survey reported that after just one Bella Gaia experience, there was a 90% conversion rate in audiences reporting a greater understanding/deeper appreciation of their relationship to Earth. Shifting perception through perspective is an incredible thing to experience, and Bella Gaia may just be the creative medium which allows us to have a deeper understanding of and empathy for the place we call home. To learn more about Bella Gaia, or to find a showing in your area, be sure to visit their official website by clicking here. .

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